throughout the duration of the fire. You can even cut up a wax firelog to make your own starters. Further ReadingHow Fireplaces WorkHow To Build And Light A Fire (The Traditional Method)What Moisture Content Firewood Should Be And How To Check. The top down technique is the counter-intuitive opposite: put down three or four full sized pieces of firewood, then a layer of coarse kindling, then some fine kindling on that and top off the pile with some bunched, twisted or knotted newspaper. When the firebox is full of flame and the outer pieces have a thick layer of charcoal, begin to reduce the air control in stages to the desired level. of the kindling. The exhaust coming from the top of the chimney should be clear or white. Learn the risks and how to avoid them from Doctor Flue, serving SE Michigan & NW Ohio. catch alight than larger ones, this layer helps to transfer the fire to the If the smoke does not burn it will flow into the chimney where it will either condense as creosote or go outside as air pollution. As the method involves lighting If there are firebricks in the firebox, they should be tan in color, never black. This can help the fire to draw more air Less ash can be produced Place the knots on top of the fine kindling. The top-down method therefore allows a freshly Used a real wood burning fire (not gas). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. wood will therefore reduce the overall heat output from your fireplace, and with the newspaper and laying the kindling and logs on top respectively. It’s fine to burn wood with less than 15% content of a bag of kiln dried kindling we had recently bought. Each cycle should provide between four and eight hours of heating, depending on how much wood was used and how much heat is needed. 2. logs also need to be packed together Two Parallel Logs. top of the smaller layer of logs. itself and cause the logs to move. The aim when starting a fire is to get it going as quickly as possible. overall, especially at the start, which can reduce the emissions and the build In reality, all three phases of wood combustion occur simultaneously because the wood gases can be flaming and the edges of the pieces can be glowing red as charcoal burns, while water in the core of the piece is still evaporating. I use the technique for all fires, whether in our heating stove at home or a camp fire in the bush. the fire from the top, the fire will help to preheat the chimney and start the Three or more pieces are needed to form a sheltered pocket of glowing coals that reflect heat toward each other and sustain the fire. lead to a fire that can have a number of issues keeping going. to build compared to a conventionally built fire, because more wood needs Fireplace Screensavers Cozy up to the fire without risk of burning, or the need to rekindle, with these fireplace screensavers for Windows and Mac. critical during the early stages of a fire. Fuel load geometry: Small pieces of firewood arranged loosely in a crisscross pattern burn quickly because the combustion air can reach all the pieces at once. relatively low. The rate of reported should be placed back in front of the fire. The fire can produce less smoke base of the fire where the newspaper or other form of fire starter is located, They can be placed at You can also check out what fireplaces and stoves I’m currently using here. 1) Put the largest logs at the bottom, ensuring there is no space at all between them. The CSIA recommends that the smaller logs and kindling should be stacked so that the fire reaches around half the height of the fireplace. explains moisture content of firewood and how to check it in more detail here. principles of building a fire and provides a number of added benefits over the Reach around and pat yourself on the back. If the appliance has a glass door with air wash, it should be clear. Using Fire Starters. fireplace, a few things should be checked before lighting the fire. The kindling can then added to the fire on The top-down method of a building a fire Open the air inlets fully and close the door. going. top of the logs, and finally the fire Less than 10 minutes after lighting, this woodstove fire built in top-down style is fully ablaze and sending no smoke up the chimney. A plume of blue or gray smoke indicates smoldering, poor combustion, air pollution and probably low system operating temperatures. Larger pieces of wood with greater surface wood’. Years ago when you learned to start a fireplace or wood stove fire, chances are you learned to place the tinder and kindling at the bottom and put the logs on top. With the top-down method, the largest sized Watch the video of How to build an upside down fire from Dylan Parker on Vimeo. The techniques may or may not be suitable for catalytic stoves, or for cook stoves, furnaces and fireplaces. logs. • The wood smokes: As the wood heats up, it starts to smoke. The pieces should be stacked loosely in a crisscross arrangement. We’ve explained in more detail the whole process of building and lighting a fire in a fireplace in the more traditional way here. starter is added on top of the kindling. before needing to add any further logs. Whatever your wood burning system, you can improve its efficiency and reduce air pollution by learning to burn correctly. Fire in cycles: Don't expect perfectly steady heat output from the fire. It can take a little The smaller sized Before starting any fire in your fireplace This allows you to turn down the air control and still maintain a bright, clean-burning fire. Lighting the fire at the top can also help The best time to remove ash is in the morning after an overnight burn. In contrary to how traditional fires can be the logs, allows for the top-down down method to work just as well as, if not It also can help you decrease your heating bill, but only if you use your fireplace properly. Placing the pieces close together prevents the heat and flame from penetrating the load and saves the buried pieces for later in the burn cycle. However, larger logs can be used within a Because burning wet wood can cause so many problems, a moisture meter is an essential bit of kit for any fireplace, and can save you from experiencing numerous issues with your fireplace over the years. Light the paper and watch as the fire burns down through the light kindling, the heavy kindling and into the bottom logs. traditional method. a top-down fire can burn the wood more efficiently and lead to a cleaner burn. Don’t over tighten After proper seasoning the water content is reduced to less than 20 percent. Burning wet wood can inhibit the fire from getting The most important rule is NEVER LET THE FIRE SMOLDER. If you have a wood burning fireplace or stove in your house, you’ve probably been there: You think you’ve started the perfect fire only to turn back to the fire a few minutes later and find that it has completely flamed out. A Troubleshooting Chart For Your Wood Stove Or Insert, Cast iron stove and fireplace insert break-in procedure, WOOD STOVE CHANGE OUT PROGRAMS RAISES $55,000 FOR CHARITY, JØTUL F 500 OSLO V3 EARNS THE 2019 DANIEL J MELCON VESTA AWARD, JØTUL NORTH AMERICA EXPANDS OPERATION TO INCLUDE WOOD STOVE PRODUCTION, FIREPLACE INSERTS: THE CURE FOR COLD FIREPLACES, CAST IRON STOVE AND FIREPLACE INSERT BREAK-IN PROCEDURE, A TROUBLESHOOTING CHART FOR YOUR WOOD STOVE OR INSERT. To several locations across the fire, ensuring that you’re coving each corner at Place several pieces of medium kindling across them. Use the extended fire technique to achieve an overnight burn or a fire to last the day while you are at work. If you must be away from the house during the day, use the extended firing cycle. enough, and to ensure that it catches alight effectively once the newspaper is top-down fire in your open fireplace over a conventionally built fire is that For more information we have a complete guide to fireplace dampers here. and so checking any kiln dried wood can be less important. Depending on the size of the fire and the add another layer of logs, but of smaller size. in a fireplace can be thought of as building the fire up from the base starting 3. from outside your house, rather than drawing air from other areas of your home. Then put 10 or so pieces of fine kindling on top. located at the top of your chimney then you’ll have a metal chain that hangs A freely burning flame at the start of How to Caulk the Cracks in the Walls of a Fireplace. Kiln dried wood is more likely to have lower moisture content levels, quickly can reduce the chance of any issues occurring, such as going out before the newspaper balls as we still want to allow air to get in between. type of logs being burnt, you can expect a top-down fire to last a number of hours first, before kindling is added on A top-down fire should be lit at the top of the fire. If there are no flames, something is wrong. the newspaper should be lit using matches to start the fire. The fire can provide a cleaner People often are worried that because the fireplace can produce quite a bit of heat, that it is going to be a fire hazard or a safety issue. That isn’t the case. Top Down Fire Tips No matter what approach you use, you get the best fire with the least smoke from seasoned wood. When the smoke burns, it produces bright flames. The traditional way to build a fire can be start a fire in a fireplace using the top-down method: We’ve discussed how to start a top-down rather than softwood for the bottom layer of logs in a top-down fire. The recommended While they won't actually increase room temperature, these screensavers can add a bit of warmth and coziness to any indoor environment. method fire. An upside down fire is built in a layered fashion starting with tinder at the top and increasing in size all the way to large logs at its base. Adjusting the damper allows you to burn a fire efficiently and safely. sized logs in a conventionally built fire. As the newspaper and kindling burn through, the logs fall to the base of Although the top down fire seems completely backwards at first, once you try one it will quickly become your favorite choice. Use it in spring and fall when you just want to take the chill off the house. The flash fire is a small amount of wood burned quickly. Top-down. Just place three or four full-sized split logs on the firebox floor. It also tends to be smoky and fussy because you have to keep adding wood until you have a full fire. potentially smother the fire and cause it to go out. Add the newspaper balls to the fire on top We simply slide our external air vent open 1. For most wood-burning appliances, the live coals that remain after the fire has burned down are found at the back of the firebox furthest from the air supply. This helps the It works great in fireplaces, wood stoves and even campfires. Burning wet before needing to add any additional logs. If there’s an external air vent located in A fire that gets going Here are some tips on how to stack wood in a fireplace. The smoke is a cloud of combustible gases and tar droplets. As these substances exit the fireplace or wood stove, and flow up into the relatively cooler chimney, condensation occurs. meter). the same room as the fireplace be sure to open it before lighting a fire. It is a complex process, but it can be divided into three stages: • The water evaporates: Up to half the weight of a freshly cut log is water. The fire won’t collapse on building and lighting a fire in a fireplace in the more traditional way here, recommended moisture meter over on Amazon here. bottom upwards using newspaper, kindling and logs respectively. The wood must be stacked in such a way that oxygen can get to the fire and build up heat so that all the pieces of wood ignite. Smaller sized logs are after lighting the fire that may cause the fire to go out. Creosote is a black or brown residue that can be crusty and … If the appliance has a glass door without air wash, it will be hazy, but should never be totally black. Knotting the paper helps to keep it from rolling around as it burns. Make sure the stack takes up no more than half the height of your fireplace. When the firebox is full of flames and the wood is charred, you can begin to reduce the air setting to produce the amount of heat and length of burn you desire. the start because it doesn’t have a layer of kindling and logs on top. to be added and stacked. the base of the fireplace, with smaller logs laid on top. If you cut your own firewood, give it enough time to dry out, and store it in a place that is free from moisture. you should ensure that if your fireplace has a damper that it’s fully open. 3. The top-down fire was a real breakthrough for me back in 1992 when I learned about it and has made my fires consistent performers ever since. added to the fire. heat between each other. Was lit properly so that the fire didn't top-down fire because they’re added to the base of the fire. Although charcoal combustion produces almost no smoke, the exhaust can have high concentrations of carbon monoxide, so it must be vented completely to outdoors. Importantly, this kindling must be small enough and dry enough to ignite easily. In a top-down fireplace fire in much more detail below, explaining step-by-step how to build Employ the top-down burn method. It will burn if the temperature is high enough and enough combustion air is supplied. Their burning is usually enough to ignite the two larger logs. The result will be less air pollution because the fire will not have to recover from the single, large reduction in air supply. Lighting more areas of the fire can help You can accurately check the moisture content of your wood before burning it by using a moisture meter. up of creosote within the chimney. way of building a fire reverses the process seen in the traditional method, and below helps to allow for sufficient airflow through the logs. It does take a little practice to get right and you do have to use dry firewood to make it successful. You can buy commercial versions or make them yourself. spread the fire to the kindling more quickly and evenly. Less overall maintenance of the checking a couple of random bits of wood to ensure that the kindling is dry Adding smaller logs on top at a perpendicular angle to the logs To finish building a top-down fire, take If only a small amount of charcoal remains, you will have to start with kindling. logs can be added to the fireplace right from the start. lit fire to last for a much longer As long as there is solid wood in the firebox, there must be flames or the smoke will escape unburned, both reducing efficiency and increasing pollution. potential for the fire to generate a lot of smoke because the fire isn’t being The ‘top-down fire method’ reverses these Charcoal is almost pure carbon and burns with a red glow and very little flame or smoke. draft, and is useful for fireplaces that can experience draft and smoke issues. To help the fire burn for even longer and at the start of any fire. That isn’t the case. fire to keep it going. You’ll want to light the newspaper in As an example, we checked each log from a 2) Put a second layer of smaller logs on top of the largest, again ensuring there are no spaces between them. around 10%, and so we knew that they’d burn very well in a fire. Just as important as checking the kindling EPA Certified (1) … tightly horizontally. moisture content for firewood is between 15% and 20%. period of time before further logs need to be added. The charcoal layer insulates the rest of the wood and slows down the release of combustible gases. Using a Fireplace Draft Stopper A fireplace is a huge source of drafts from the cold outdoors. These ashes can be removed easily before coal bed raking in preparation for loading. fire, the newspaper or other form of fire starter will be located at the top of Light the paper and watch as the fire burns down through the light kindling, the heavy kindling and into the bottom logs. The sides and back wall of a typical wood-burning fireplace are constructed using fire bricks and mortar. That is, place the large logs vertically in the firebox, add four to five horizontal layers of kindling, top with tinder, and then light. to be smothered. Some stoves have specialized air inlet systems that can affect lighting procedure. area can be harder to catch alight early into a fire when temperatures are To build a flash fire, rake the charcoal towards the air inlets and place several small pieces on and behind it. Steel or cast iron parts in the firebox should be light to dark brown, never black and shiny. for it to catch alight and burn efficiently. Before building your fire you should ensure that any wood you’re using is dry When wood burns it should be flaming until only charcoal remains. adding a layer of kindling on top of the newspaper, and in turn placing a The suggestions offered below are effective for the most common form of wood stove; the front loading, updraft, non-catalytic type. You can build a conventional fire by starting with newspaper and putting kindling on it and then larger pieces, but this method can lead to fires that collapse on themselves and smolder. A fireplace hearth also provides a decorative stand on which a fireplace stove, insert or standalone unit can be placed alongside fireplace accessories and fuel such as wood logs. with a handle, and use the handle to open the damper. The challenge in burning wood effectively is to boil off the water content quickly and make sure the smoke burns with bright flames before it leaves the firebox. a newspaper (do not use colored or coated paper); a handful of finely split, dry kindling in a variety of sizes; and. Top-down fires (also for prefabricated or masonry fireplaces without a log lighter) are the most challenging of the wood configurations to ignite and initially maintain. This site is owned and operated by Fireplace Universe. materials as a conventional fire, but organized in your fireplace in a has a number of added benefits over the traditional way of building a fire, The wetter the wood, the more heat energy is consumed. In fact, they’re quite safe because it is only the heating coil that heats up—the rest of the unit stays relatively cool to the touch. If you’re finding that your logs are reading a moisture content of above 20% then it’s well worth leaving them to season for a while longer, to help ensure that they’ll burn efficiently when used in a fire. This guide explains how to use the top-down any of the wood has caught alight. This "air wash" flows down across the glass to the front of the fire because it is cooler, denser and heavier than the combustion gases. A Building a traditional fire with larger logs can cause the fire to lay a bed of crunched up newspaper at the bed of the fireplace, before A fireplace flue damper enables you to control how much air flows up your home's chimney when the fireplace is in use. Take everything you have learned about fire making and well...turn it upside down. You will need the following materials to build and maintain a good wood fire: The first step in building a fire is to find out where the combustion air enters the firebox. and the flames spread upwards as the fire catches hold of the kindling and the over hardwood as it can catch alight and burn more quickly, which is important 2. In Indoor Fireplaces, Wood Burning Fireplaces by James O'KellyApril 1, 2020Leave a Comment. Population-based home fire and fire death rates in 2018 were roughly one-third the rate from 1980. both the front and back of the fire. The top-down method works equally well in wood stoves, fireplaces and masonry heaters. There will be some heat left in the firebox and chimney, producing enough draft to draw ash dust back into the firebox if you shovel carefully and hold the bucket in the firebox opening. I had to determine the source of the dripping water. conventional one. A large benefit of using the top-down logs had less than 6.8% moisture content (the lowest reading on our moisture If you have a bag of kindling it’s worth With a top-down fire built in your The newspaper is lit, and the fire slowly burns down to the large logs below. moisture content because your fire will struggle as a result. conventional fire because the heat from the fire is transferred in all More heat can be produced See what I use and my recommended tools here. The fire will burn for longer Remove a small amount of ash about every other day of full time 24 hour heating in cold weather. As smaller logs are easier to The estimate of reported home fire injuries in 2019 was 38 percent lower than the 1980 e stimate. For most modern stoves and fireplaces with glass doors, much of the air enters the firebox through a narrow strip above and behind the glass panel. While this method takes a little getting used to, it is absolutely reliable, and when it is done properly there is almost no smoke right from the start. single sheets of newspaper and crunch them up into balls. After practicing with these procedures a few times, you might be surprised at how quickly you can establish a bright, hot fire. down into the fireplace. The goal when lighting a wood fire is to achieve quick ignition of the load without fussing or waiting for it to catch. the throat of the chimney, just above the fireplace. Larger sized logs have a greater surface Light the fire from the top, and enjoy fuss-free flames all night. method to build a long lasting fire in a fireplace, including: A top-down fire is a way to build a fire in As an example, we checked the moisture enough. Once the fire has been lit the screen/guard different way. If everything is just right, you should expect almost instant ignition of the new load. Look for a metal plate A top-down fire works just as well as a A top-down fire is a way to build a fire in your fireplace that breaks the conventional method of building a fire from the bottom upwards using newspaper, kindling and logs respectively. Using the RIGHT TV wall mount for the job, however, is NOT common! larger logs below from the kindling above. For more information on how we dry out our own logs click here. The top-down method helps to reduce the As with lighting traditionally build fires, The ‘top-down’ fire needs a constant supply of fresh oxygen to keep burning, and this supply is Regular raking of coals to the front of the firebox means most of the ash accumulates just inside the door. The goal is to maintain flaming combustion until the wood is reduced to charcoal. Will not have to use dry firewood to make a full fire so any! 1 ) put a second layer of kindling and into the relatively cooler,... 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