Ya this is what we really need... A modern Perl not afraid to drop some of the cruft from the last 20 years. But to do that we would have to bring in signatures, unless we're bringing both signature and Cor.pm in 8.0. A lot of science type people use it. And to see such a strong statement of positive forward motion, hopefully without too much of the attendant disruption of breaking vast swathes of existing code. Related groups. I've been maintaining a 20yo ~400KLOC CMS for the past few years. If you have an old script that requires 5.x syntax you just start the interpreter a little differently. Introduction to Perl: Part 1, Part 2 DBIx::Class - Database ORM introduction Luckily, it was just a testing VM and I simply reinstalled it. Just a fyi, i love perl, however, managers and vendors push python hard. This morning at The Perl Conference in the Cloud, Sawyer X announced that Perl has a new plan moving forward.Work on Perl 7 is already underway, but it’s not going to be a huge change in code or syntax. It is a good habit to comment in your code. It's a stepping stone. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. I made the point last time that using index feels like the wrong layer of abstraction. Perl Comments. Who here is using Perl these days, and what are the factors that make it the best choice for your current projects? Perl 7. The transition from Python 2.x to 3.x was hard for the Python community. Perl 7 FAQ. I believe it’s just for the retail game - namely the 4 bag spots. An unofficial FAQ by Dan Book (aka. Perl's an easy target for that, and imho the long, drawn-out 5/6 split did absolutely no favors for its popularity. Perl 7 is going to enable different defaults, but it's trying to get away from the feature bundle idea. Perl offers such advantages compared to Python: Speed: Perl is faster than Python for many tasks, and more powerful. Because, it broke my CentOS 7 server at first attempt and the server didn't boot. For those who are wondering about the state of the proposed Perl 7 fork and the role of the newly formed Perl Steering Committee, Ricardo Signes has put together a detailed explanation that is worth a read. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Please perl don't be like them. The public website and the admin interface both support IE11. Perl 7 is not only enabling the change of the social contract, but also change the code base so it can easily change its major version. I would love to see trim() (and maybe rtrim() and ltrim() as well) make it in to the Perl 7 standard library. Anything related to system administration. Syntax. Binaries. All that used to bother me, but ultimately I'm just happy that the language is still being actively developed and getting lots of love from the maintainers. Keep up to date with Perl news by subscribing to Perl Weekly. The Perl Programming Language, version 5.x. For what it's worth: a lot of the most impressive coders I've interacted with were Perl devs. A major reason i always give up writing python and come back to perl is that:-seaching for how to do something on the internet gives inconsistent results. Most of my pi's are doing their thing with my perl code. Perl lives on in regular expressions since Python and other languages adopted Perl expressions – really the best part of the language (if you ask me). I think a move towards a better group discussion method would be a welcome change. How best should one contribute to this project? Altbooster-whitemane 7 July 2020 23:20 #11. Join. Ruby and Python's approach is based on throwing errors ala X-Unit and I hate it, I think the only tool I've used recently where I was jealous I didn't have it in Perl was Ajv ... so I wrote a module that simply wrapped it and gave it a Perl interface :-D. Oh, one more thing -- I much prefer how CPAN modules are documented compared to Python and JS libraries; Python seems desperate to have you create a minisite for your software projects (just use Sphinx! Perl's claim to fame has always been it's amazing string processing abilities, but it lacks something basic like a trim method. Rank: 10618. Comments are a necessity for a developer of any language. new. I'd still be ecstatic to see Perl's star start to rise again. That shop is probably still using all Perl too, and it's been a popular language in data engineering for years, especially before all the new abstract-everything-away tools came in vogue. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Perl is really good for programs with line counts below about 300 lines. I just pray perl doesn't go like python 2.7 and 3.x. Python bigots claim that Perl syntax is ugly, but Python has much of the same characteristics now. 3 Likes. Want coding help? It FEELS dated because we work so hard to be backwards compatible and miss a lot of the new niceties. libraries only work for one version and you were working on the other version . We have regexes built in, so why have sugary functions? rising. It's not just use v5.32 , which does much more than declare a minimum version. I like how quick and easy a lot of it is, but hate the IO stuff, hate the sigils, hate the awful module system (especially the wonky OO paradigm), hate hate hate error handling. View subreddit information or browse subreddits. Up until 5 or so years ago I used it for every personal project. Not trolling, genuinely curious. Press J to jump to the feed. With the help of comments, one can easily understand the code after a long time. Want to learn Perl? Sawyer's video was great (hopefully it gets posted soon) when he talked about how when you start a Perl script in 2020 using v5.32 you're using 16 year old syntax. Join. Python bigots said that TMTOWTDI is bad, but Python is now full of TMTOWDI. I'd still be ecstatic to see Perl's star start to rise again. This week saw the unveiling of Perl 7, which, they write, “is going to be Perl 5.32, mostly.”. Perl community. In a stark contrast to the massive disruption going on in the world, this quarter’s rankings saw less change overall than is typical. Python is not a well-managed project. The transition was not successful at the first time. I hate how weird the array/list split is and the subtle things that come up there, hate how bad it is working with string and file encoding, hate slurpy argument-passing for function calls, hate the subtleties and difficulties in actually establishing what frigging type a variable is, hate how weird function pointers are, and HATE how inconsistent functions are with the presence or lack of a comma having significant meaning and the subtle stupid differences between a block, a subroutine, an expression, etc, and how some functions can declare variables inside the function call but not all of them (functional programming in Perl has completely redefined my definition of how easy it can be to write code that parses and runs but does the wrong thing because of a misplaced sub or comma). save. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I do a lot of text parsing and manipulation, and my code contains a lot of variations on if (index($string, $substring) >= 0) { ... }. Perl 7 is there so we can make a way to bump the major version. Are mailing lists really a thing any more? When I came to port Cucumber to Perl, it meant you could bring along your favourite other testing modules, and it all just magically works together. Argument for Text::Trim as core module in upcoming Perl 5. Ces traitements sont rendus nécessaires pour répondre à votre demande de contact et sont fondés sur votre consentement préalable. OOP is a design pattern, not an obligation. About 5.32.0. works everywhere, everytime, from my macbook to TOP500 supercomputers; very expressive for menial tasks (trivial regexps & matching, implicit $_, for/in, ...). ergonomic features for plumbing (fast startup time, can easily integrate with pipes, etc); I can quickly put out a simple web interface with mojolicious; retro-compatibility; 20 y.o. There is no package remotely called mod_perl, and google does not help. The factors are: it's insanely expressive. The project formerly known as Perl 6 is in /r/rakulang. Pocket. I'll probably still be writing Perl for years to come, though. I really do not like Perl. Download Learn Docs CPAN Community That's why we love Perl 25,000 extensions on CPAN. Looking at python, they have handled the change really badly. I think lowering the barrier to entry for Perl stuff would go a long way towards making contributions easier. It's a pleasure to work with, and, as I've read elsewhere in this thread, poetic in a near literal sense. Mozilla's bug tracker (Bugzilla) is written in Perl and still actively maintained. I know it's not at all better and this is one of those times there is an objective best but I have my preferences. Wrapping defective modules in shiny new modules is a way to OOP-away the failure. top. I just pray perl doesn't go like python 2.7 and 3.x. "I'm actually looking forward for 7.2, 7.4, 7.6 – one of those – to introduce the Cor.pm that Ovid – Curtis Poe has been working on. Log in sign up. Some interesting comments on Reddit. And if we're able to do that that means at 8.0 you will have a very capable strong object-oriented syntax out of the box. and what are the factors that make it the best choice for your current projects? See Learn Perl for great links! Once you get it, it becomes very powerful. I actually interviewed at a place a few months ago that was still migrating its pipelines from Perl (mostly because they didn't maintain any modern Perl code standards so it eventually became unreadable) to Python, and were only able to use Python because of the relatively low volume of their data. They don't take part in program execution. Links and other helpful resources for new and experienced Perl programmers. Grinnz). In my decade of professional experience with over a dozen languages used in production, the only language I'd choose Perl over is PHP. The tutorial should take five to ten minutes to complete. Get started developing with Perl 5.16 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux in under 10 minutes. Useful links. Changing compiler defaults will kill Perl 7. Small, incremental change instead of the disaster of Perl 6's early days. ActiveState Perl ActiveState offers both a free community version and a commercially supported binary distribution of Perl for Win32 and Perl for Win64.. Download ActivePerl. Then Python 3.x demonstrated significant collective incompetence for several point releases. If you thought the Perl 6 name fiasco was embarrassing and detrimental to Perl 5 wait and see what Perl 7 with changed compiler defaults does. I've written a lot of Perl for AIX over the past 8 or so years, because my clients don't allow installation of most external tools, so the only other options are C, C++, and Java, and AIX native java is insanely slow, and one of my clients has entirely disallowed C and C++-based programs, so Perl is my only choice without writing everything twice. This is good news. I used this script to migrate CentOS 7 to Oracle Linux 7. by Gabor Szabo . Following is the simple syntax for this function − do BLOCK do EXPR do SUB(LIST) Return Value. "You should not expect to see a stream of unjustified dictates issuing forth from some secret body on high. Great to see Perl moving forward in a positive and modern way. Find more subreddits like r/perl -- The Perl Programming Language, including both Perl 5 and Perl 6. Jun 24, 2020 by brian d foy image credit: Darren Wood, “7”, on Flickr. Proponents from other languages are louder and adept at browbeating anything that falls outside their own paradigm. With Perl, it's all on CPAN and generally all documented the same way. Presentations are not necessarily the best way to learn, but they can be worth reviewing. There will be a way to declare Perl 5 semantics, and they are leaning heavily toward an explicit declaration such as use v7 . There are already over 40 votes. This is good news. All that used to bother me, but ultimately I'm just happy that the language is still being actively developed and getting lots of love from the maintainers. I think it’s great to see Perl moving out from under the lingering ghost of “Perl 6”. Anything more and it is a horrid nightmare. When supplied with EXPR, do executes the file specified by EXPR as if it were another Perl script. Perl, en sa qualité de responsable de traitement, réalise des traitements de données à caractère personnel. the Perl idiom for that is s/\s+$//;. The move to GitHub was fantastic, and a great start towards modernizing the project. On Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Perl is installed by default. I'd probably use Python if I knew it better, but honestly I have a small collection of perl scripts that I've carried between my last four home servers that make my life easier. A poll I am running on my LinkedIn page. Perl reddit ; site de blogs sur Perl ; Perl Mongers ; les mongueurs de Perl FR ; Nice Perl blog ; newsletter hebdomadaire ; Perl ... Perl est IMHO très idiomatique : beaucoup de tournures que l'on ne comprend pas à la lecture sans vraiment maîtriser le langage. as the cliche goes "no one ever got fired buying xxxx". Presentations. It's by far my favourite language, I like it so much better than python. There was a Reddit discussion about it with a few inappropriate comments. I'd be glad to never have to touch Perl again in my entire life. If supplied a subroutine, SUB, do executes the subroutine using LIST as the arguments, raising an exception if SUB hasn.t been defined. I'm super excited about this project. Pocket. I use Perl. Based on Perl 5.32, Perl 7 is designed to be backwards compatible with Perl 5. by Dan Book . Would need to have a feature guard in Perl 5. In my professional career I use or have used other languages; including Python, Ruby, Go, PHP, Powershell and bash. 1 million documents. To follow along with this guide you’ll need: 1. Perl 5.10 via mod_perl using HTML::Mason (which Amazon used back in the day) as a templating engine. I've warmed up to Python and a few others now. Is the P5P mailing list really the best way to share information in 2020? I think one of the main benefits will be that the Perl interpreter will include a backwards compatibility mode. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Perl (and to a lesser extent TCL) is still ubiquitous in the semiconductor industry. I would gladly use almost any other language over Perl given the choice. Perl 7 was announced on 24 June 2020 at "The Perl Conference in the Cloud" as the successor to Perl 5. I have - on several occasions - pined for an infix operator for doing sub-string checks (ie, contains (or in, ala Python), starts_with, ends_with) while avoiding the regex engine. As someone who eventually wants to become a professional Rust developer, almost every single programming paradigm Perl embodies runs completely contrary to my preferences but I'll be damned if I don't enjoy rolling out new features every week whilst trying to keep the wheels from falling off. Perl wins. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the programming community, Press J to jump to the feed. Mainly I am just in love with the tooling: Mojolicious is an exceptional web framework; web-sockets, all the middleware you could want, sensible use of Promises, very actively developed... but there's also Dancer, Catalyst, and Kelp if you want a different take on web frameworks, DBIx::Class is an amazing ORM, and I wanted to claw my eyes out after using SQLAlchemy in Python, Moose and Moo give you exceptional OO functionality; meta-class programming, roles, etc, I haven't found anything like Bread::Board that I didn't hate for other languages; `dependency-injector` for Python was confusing, Lots and lots of sensible options for testing, and they all integrate with each other. I agree 100٪. Posted by 6 minutes ago. Poll. The codebase contains roughly 40 unit tests, of which two or three were actually written in the past decade. Only posts about Perl 5 or Perl 7 are allowed. All modern string based languages have this: PHP, Javascript, Ruby, Raku, and Python, P5P: Argument for Text::Trim as core module in upcoming Perl 5. Perl's culture and community has developed alongside the language itself. You know Perl. Somehow, it still manages to support millions of hits a year, thousands of editors and approx. Python's memory usage is deplorable -- Perl is astonshingly good for analysing big data. r/perl7 Lounge • 0. share. That’s what I used because my phone isn’t ‘smart’ and android virtual device worked perfect. You have to opt-in to warnings, strict, etc. ), and it's a crap-shoot where you're going to find sensible docs for any given project. They've all got their ups and downs, and so does Perl, but Perl's the one I turn to every time for my own work. Tolna-veknilash 7 July 2020 23:19 #10. What programming language would you like to learn now? In saying that, neither is Perl irrelevant nor is Perl terrible compared to Python. This is terrific news, and a brave acknowledgement of reality. hot. r/perl7: perl. r/perl6. At the very least it'd mean I could start being able to use it more for work again. by Darren Wood At the ' The Perl Conference in the Cloud ' held on June 24, 2020, the new version of the scripting language ' Perl ' ' Perl 7 ' was announced. Asking at PerlMonks or Stack Overflow may give faster assistance. This sub-reddit is a great place discuss ideas and features, plus it's archived forever and accessible. Author: JT Smith Jarkko Hietaniemi announces the release of Perl 5.7.2: “The most noticeable change from Perl 5.7.1 is the large number of new modules adopted to the core distribution. – but better than that, in core, in 8.0. I have no experience with it myself, from what I have seen at work and elsewhere Perl is still quite prevalent on the basis that it simply works and keeps working. A major reason i always give up writing python and come back to perl is that:-, seaching for how to do something on the internet gives inconsistent results, libraries only work for one version and you were working on the other version, someone (cisco for example) make a tool in the old version and you're set up for the new version, i could go on. Introduction and Prerequisites In this tutorial, you will see how to get started with Perl development on Red Hat Enterprise Linux by creating a simple Hello World application. 2 Python 3 Java 4 PHP 5 C++ 5 C# 7 Ruby 7 CSS 9 TypeScript 10 C 11 Swift 11 Objective-C 13 R 14 Scala 15 Go 15 Shell 17 PowerShell 18 Perl 19 Kotlin 20 Rust. Join. My build scripts are in Perl. python has become the "sensible default". Les données collectées sont destinées aux services concernés de Perl, et le cas échéant à ses sous-traitants et prestataires. Love the flexibility, love the quirkiness love the speed with which you can accomplish complex tasks once you've learned more about the language. Something like --perl5 or whatever they choose. To put it another way, it's like asking someone if their ghrelin hormone levels are high, when what you really want to know is if they're hungry. 645 members. There’s an old Monty Python bit I always want to reference when it comes to wonky version numbering, and Perl certainly offers no exception. Thanks for the help folks. Perl's an easy target for that, and imho the long, drawn-out 5/6 split did absolutely no favors for its popularity. User account menu. Perl is fast, interpreted, excellent shell utility integration, and is wonderful if you're doing a lot of text manipulation. I use it instead of shell scripts. So we'd have something better than Moose – that draws a lot from Moose, right? https://metacpan.org/pod/Object::Pad may be worth a look - it's not a "modern object system", but it does provide nicer syntax for writing classes, without trying to take on too many new conceptual responsibilities! Perl is a highly capable, feature-rich programming language with over 30 years of development. There won't be new features in Perl 7, but there will be in Perl 8. perl r/ perl7. 1,615 members. One CentOS 7 server set up by following the CentOS 7 initial server setup guide, including a sudo non-root user and a firewall. It's my understanding that Perl7 by default will enable all the new niceties while also adding some way to put the interpreter in Perl5 mode. I see the same (but smaller) issues for 3.4 to 3.6. r/rakulang. Also, many new platforms are supported.” What do you think about “Perl 7” currently being discussed widely? They just provide us an explanation and hints about our coding. So, still not sure about that.". Perl 5.32 is so much better than the early versions of Perl 5, it’s not fair to call 5.32 and 5.8-14 the same software. Really happy seeing the Perl team found the guts to do so! Found 81 subreddits like r/perl (13,003 subs). Oh and Perl I saw you asked another user about the emulator thing. I hate writing bash scripts and I don't mind writing perl. hot new top rising. In addition, transitioning out of a language which you know extremely well to one which feels crippled and clunky in comparason, for what can appear to be no discernable benefit, is not an attractive prospect for lots of people. I used it almost exclusively until about 3-4 years ago, and I'm almost certain that ~all of the people I worked with previously are still using it. scripts are still working as-is (or nearly so); decent scaling from the one-liner to the webapp; Now it's not my favorite languages, but the pros compensate the cons. A couple of edge cases fine. Not using it currently, but for about 2.5 years worked on a Perl-only ETL pipeline. card classic compact • pinned by moderators. I for the life of me can not find the mod_perl package for RHEL 7. Only reasons are because I like it and it does everything I've ever needed it to, from one-off scripts to full-blown systems utilities to midsize web applications. card. hot. I’m still running a couple regEx heavy programs at least a few times a month – and will install ActiveState Perl on a new Windows machine tomorrow so I can continue to use them. Very little is more aggravating or frustrating than having a Perl program that works for a long time, but seeing the log has sporadic complaints about undefined variables and being completely unable to track it down. They were already written in Perl when I started and I don't want to re-write them. I do not recommend this script in production. Java est IMHO peu idiomatique : ça se lit. However, I got lucky at the second attempt. Toggle navigation. Normalizing client data from whatever "text" format to XML, but we're still using Perl5. I am actively starting new codebases in Perl, but I'm also a reasonable Python and Node developer, and I like Python plenty. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. One-Liner: Perl has shortcuts which allow you to write quick scripts. I started writing Python, and I remember thinking it was a completely joyless language to write for some time. Perl free download - DzSoft Perl Editor, EditPlus, XAMPP, and many more programs Strawberry Perl: A 100% Open Source Perl for Windows that is exactly the same as Perl everywhere else; this includes using modules from CPAN, without the need for binary packages. The Perl Programming Language at Perl.org. Announcing Perl 7. Big news, I'd like to see a modern object-system (Cor/other?). ... Perl 7. It's simultaneously the worst goddamn thing I've ever worked on and an absolute joy. 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I remember thinking it was just a fyi, i love Perl, en sa qualité de responsable de,... À votre demande de contact et sont fondés sur votre consentement préalable least 'd! Les données collectées sont destinées aux services concernés de Perl, en sa qualité responsable! I would gladly use almost any other language over Perl given the choice worst. Wo n't be new features in Perl when i started and i do n't want to re-write them own.... These days, and google does not help languages ; including Python they... Script to migrate CentOS 7 initial server setup guide, including a sudo non-root user and a firewall i!