The following nine quotes, all attributed to Jesus in the New Testament, demonstrate just how important helping the poor is to basic Christian faith. “If someone who has the riches of this world sees his brother in need and closes his heart to him, how does the love of God abide in him?” (1 Jn 3:17). God shows the poor “his first mercy”. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops 7,419 views. You shall leave them for the poor and for the sojourner: I am the Lord your God.”. “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you…” (Matt 25:31). Do not rob the poor, because he is poor, or crush the afflicted at the gate, for the Lord will plead their cause and rob of life those who rob them. What makes the poor deserving of God’s concern? He loved, and was deeply loved for his joy, his generous self-giving, his openheartedness. to freely choose to become friends or partners with the poor, and to take on their problems as our problems-to make the poor apart of “us” Part Two Real Life Example the option to commit to take action in order to transform the injustice that prevents the poor and vulnerable from Not only do they share in the sensus fidei, but in their difficulties they know the suffering Christ. 198. Unless otherwise indicated, all content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. The option for the poor or the preferential option for the poor is the fourth of the key themes of Catholic social teaching. Only on the basis of this real and sincere closeness can we properly accompany the poor on their path of liberation. “And when you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap your field right up to its edge, nor shall you gather the gleanings after your harvest. ‣ This love is inspired by the Gospel of the Beatitudes, of the poverty of Jesus, and of his concern for the poor. An Option for the Poor and Vulnerable unites us closely with a congregational patron, St. Alphonsus Liguori, who invites us “to rediscover the God of Jesus Christ, a God who is passionately in love with humanity; a God who hears the cry of the poor and who does not remain unmoved by injustice.” Publisher: 26 The principle of solidarity reminds us that as members of one human family, we see every “other” as our neighbor, who must share in the “banquet of life to which all are equally invited by God.” 27 Solidarity calls us to care for our neighbors in need who are nearby and for those who are far away and to see all those who suffer as sisters and brothers. Evangelium Vitae (“The Gospel of Life,” Donders translation), Pope John Paul II, 1995, #199. And he began to say to them, “Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”. Read through the biblical references of Helping The Poor to learn more about its meaning and significance. The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; “Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the straps of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke? A consistent theme of Catholic social teaching is the option or love of preference for the poor. He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. The prime purpose of this special commitment to the poor is to enable them to become active participants in the life of society. He longs for our love also.One form of loving surrender to God is to live as Jesus did, poor, chaste, and obedient. This page has three prayers for the poor. Whoever despises his neighbor is a sinner, but blessed is he who is generous to the poor. F 28 Catholic teaching affirms that all persons, even those on the margins of society, have basic human rights: the right to life and to those things that are necessary to the proper development of life, including faith and family, work and education, housing and health care. Option for the Poor and Vulnerable. The fundamental moral criterion for all economic decisions, policies, and institutions is this: They must be at the service of all people, especially the poor. OPPORTUNITY FOR EVERYONE. The first offers the least, the last and the lost to God and reflects on our response to the marginalized and vulnerable in our community. ‣ I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops 7,419 views. It is well known how strong were the words used by the Fathers of the Church to describe the proper attitude of persons who possess anything towards persons in need. Seeing their poverty, hearing their cries and knowing their sufferings, we are scandalized because we know that there is enough food for everyone and that hunger is the result of a poor distribution of goods and income. “You shall do no injustice in court. Mandate and Goals for the Subcommittee on CCHD; CSMG Diversity Initiative; Intercessory Prayers for Life; Life Issues Forum: High Court Decisively Affirms Religious Liberty Week 3: OPTION FOR THE POOR AND VULNERABLE iVoteCatholic: During this third week, we focus on Option for the Poor and Vulnerable. For example, the depletion of fishing reserves especially hurts small fishing communities without the means to replace those resources; water pollution particularly affects the poor who cannot buy bottled water; and rises in the sea level mainly affect impoverished coastal populations who have nowhere else to go. The moral test of any society is based on how the most vulnerable are treated. Listening to the cry of those who suffer violence and are oppressed by unjust systems and structures, and hearing the appeal of a world that by its perversity contradicts the plan of its Creator, we have shared our awareness of the Church’s vocation to be present in the heart of the world by proclaiming the Good News to the poor, freedom to the oppressed, and joy to the afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed. Home; Augustinian Spirituality. From twenty years old and upward, all in Israel who are able to go to war, you and Aaron shall list them, company by company. Righteousness lodged in her, but now murderers. Share that in the Scriptures, Jesus is always spending time with the sick and Preferential Protection for the Poor and Vulnerable. Give, and it will be given to you. The environment is God’s gift to everyone, and in our use of it we have a responsibility towards the poor, towards future generations and towards humanity as a whole. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors him. Working for the common good requires us to promote the flourishing of all human life and all of God’s creation. In a society marred by deepening divisions between rich and poor, our tradition recalls the story of the Last Judgment (Mt 25:31-46) and instructs us to put the needs of the poor and vulnerable first.” God is Love (Deus Caritas Est) God’s love is universal, so this principle does not intend that we should focus on the poor to the exclusion of others, but rather that we are called to prioritize those who are in most need of our Solidarity.. Quotes. The way society responds to the needs of the poor through its public policies is the litmus test of its justice or injustice. Throughout the Bible, and especially in the Gospel narratives of the life of Jesus, we see many examples of God’s special concern for the poor and the powerless. Pope Benedict XVI maintained that all the poor and vulnerable must have their basic needs met with heartfelt concern and service rendered in humility. Faced with a world today where so many people are suffering from want, the council asks individuals and governments to remember the saying of the Fathers: “Feed the people dying of hunger, because if you do not feed them you are killing them,” and it urges them according to their ability to share and dispose of their goods to help others, above all by giving them aid which will enable them to help and develop themselves. God’s voice is no longer heard, the quiet joy of his love is no longer felt, and the desire to do good fades. Scripture reminds us that some people’s needs are so urgent and so great that their needs come first. the superfluous wealth of rich countries should be placed at the service of poor nations. …In our work and citizenship, our economic, political and personal choices we must reach out to “the least of these” and seek the common good. A Place at the Table: A Catholic Recommitment to Overcome Poverty and to Respect the Dignity of All God’s Children, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), 2002, Section V. Today the subject of development is also closely related to the duties arising from our relationship to the natural environment. The option for the poor didn’t remain in the liberation theology camp, however. The Option for the Poor and Vulnerable principle requires an examination of personal, social, and political decisions in light of societal efforts toward achievement of the common good. 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Frey Minneapolis Opportunity Center, There’s no summer vacation on the streets, U.S. Bank Supports New Vision for Dorothy Day Center, Williams helps clients find resources they need, With hope, health and hard work, Lam moves ahead, Gaudium et Spes (“The Church in the Modern World”), Populorum Progressio (“On the Development of Peoples”), Octogesima Adveniens (“A Call to Action”), Justicia in Mundo (“Justice in the World”), Solicitudo Rei Socialis (“On Social Concern,” Donders translation), Centesimus Annus (“The Hundredth Year,” Donders translation), Global Climate Change: A Plea for Dialogue, Prudence, and the Common Good, Evangelium Vitae (“The Gospel of Life,” Donders translation). For the Church, the option for the poor is primarily a theological category rather than a cultural, sociological, political or philosophical one. 48. The preferential option for the poor is ultimately a question of friendship. From the Scriptures we learn that the justice of a society is tested and judged by its treatment of the poor. U ‣ is a part of her constant tradition." ‣ We care de ‣ And there shall be with you a man from each tribe, each man being the head of the house of his fathers. “…Love for widows and orphans, prisoners, and the sick and needy of every kind, is as essential to [the Church] as the ministry of the sacraments and preaching of the Gospel.”. I have set before you life and dignity of the poor person mark of Christians eyes will get a... That pits one group or class against another good of society poor, a for., # 2 only this will ensure that “ in every Christian community the poor and vulnerable our... Kingdom of heaven leave them for the poor is ultimately a question of friendship for poor. Has a grave social debt towards the poor… commitment to the needs of the Lord your.! Me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the needy back what he has sent to... 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