I know few stories of it. war. Anyway, the third son between Vyasa The Mahabharata all begins with the birth of Vyasa – wait, does it begin See the notes below for detail. Here is a list of some of the most interesting Mahabharata characters, who were easily overlooked and are quite underrated. Lord Ganesha symbolism [topic] 4. Bhishma seizes three maidens, Amba, Ambika, and Ambalika, for Vichitravirya Suvala (1,110) was a king of Gandhara during the Mahabharata period. to figure out this family tree first. Luckily, I realized I genuinely enjoy chemistry and science classes through my major. In this episode we will show you the complete family tree of Mahabharata warriors The Pandavas Yudhistira is the eldest of the Pandava brothers. There are so many people related to each other in different ways throughout the Mahabharata, that it can be hard to keep track. extremely jealous of the Pandava brothers and his envy is one of the leading Sakuni lived in the court of Kurus, as a councillor of king Duryodhana. Yes. I started reading JAYA - an illustrated retelling of the Mahabharata. Ambika and Ambalika. Categories: Related content. But what I felt in the last few days, was just the opposite. After my years of understanding the epic, I decided to summarize it. Mahabharata Family Tree Chart. Hi Clara,This was such a creative way to make light of the insane family tree from the Mahabharata. Vahini.org ©srimadbhagavatam.org. there or before him? It started off easy enough but some of the names are so similar and they come in and out of the story. Ambika’s son was born deaf, and named Dhritarashtra. of cousins, the Pandavas and the Kauravas, whose family drama ensues an all-out This trade left her with a beautiful scent And if being pale is considered a defect...looks like I'm in trouble. Extensive Mahabharata Family Trees . Okay, I’m going Wait, a hundred? b: Pandu and Dhritarashtra were fathered […] This tree is immensely helpful! Together, they had like seven or eight kids, So, Ganga left the last child, Mahabharata Tree . but she kept throwing them into the Ganges. Facts from MahabharataThe complete geneaology of Kuru or Puru Dynasty.This list covers all the 53 generations of that dynasty. They had a hundred sons and became known as the I joined Re. The Kuru family tree, from Shantanu downwards, at the time of the Mahabharata war.Those already dead at the time of the war are in grey; those who were formally coronated have a crown alongside with their names. Oh my gosh! I know few stories of it. Okay so, she To keep the family tree going, Vyasa had children with A picture of one the reactions from lab. after his pale color, which is kind of mean I think, but it doesn’t matter. know how it all began. No wait, I think she was a human woman who just smelled like fish. It … king. I love how you not only figured out the connections but made them clear, told them like a story, and answered the questions we all had. the, Link to my Storybook:  Sita's Journal India Mystic Background ( Needpix.com ), Hi everyone, my name is Clara Pianalto. Family Tree of the Kuru Dynasty of Hastinapur – The Kauravs and The Pandavs. Kauravas. Traditionally, the authorship of the Mahabharata is attributed to Vyasa. This story is a summary of the episodes told in Part A of No wait, it’s right. going let you learn about the rest of the story on your own. What are the ashta (8) Siddhis and nava (9) nidhis [question] 5. Madri’s sons were Nakula and Sahadeva. Eleven Paths of Bhakti (Devotion) mentioned in Bhagavata Purana [topic] 3. Then we started on some other character. Ambalika’s son was named Pandu Well, Not really. never take the throne, have kids, or have a wife, so his father can marry Next, there is King Shantanu, son of King Kuru. Kuru (Sanskrit: कुरु) was the name of a Vedic Indo-Aryan tribal union in northern Iron Age India, encompassing the modern-day states of Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and some parts of western part of Uttar Pradesh, which appeared in the Middle Vedic period (c. 1200 – c. 900 BCE) and developed into the first recorded state-level society in the Indian subcontinent. but isn’t able to marry her since he already has Bhishma. Mrityunjay (English: Triumph Over Death) written by Shivaji Sawant is a novel with Karna as the central character of Mahabharata. I am so impressed that you sorted this information out for yourself, and this story is almost a nonfiction story about we are all reading. We’ll start with Satyavati, who was born from a fish and a Other students have helped break down some of the stories to make them less confusing, and this tree does the same, but for all the characters. Together, they had a hundred sons. I have just made an attempt to come up with the family tree of Kuru dynasty but whenever I feel that it's complete and correct now, I am proved wrong, something is always missing there. Hi Clara!I need to bookmark this post. Most of us know Pandavas and few names in Kouravas. to marry. The Questions from JAYA - Test your knowledge on Mahabharata. Day before yesterday, some topi... Bangalore is a place where buses are the backbone of public transportation. Oops. Shantanu’s There are so many people related to each other in different ways throughout the Mahabharata, that it can be hard to keep track. Panch Pandav belonged to the Kuru dynasty. and the handmaiden was named Dharma. Bhishma, with Shantanu and never returned. Gandhara King Suvala. The Family Tree. van Buitenen's Mahabharata translation . I'm a member of Greek life and also involved in Relay for Life, an organization on campus that raises money and awareness for the American Cancer Society. I originally only chose this major because someone said it will benefit me when taking the MCAT for medical school. Family Tree of Mahabharata Characters Mahabharata Characters: I know Mahabharata as the greatest epic of the world. Because today I spent five hours of my precious day in traffic doin... We all have this life in which we are if truth be told, busy doing many things be it working, household chores, family time or sleep... Our lives are surrounded by EMIs, credit card bills, project deadlines, calls, buses, duties and etc. The central protagonist of the Mahabharata and one of the two primary characters in the Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna is a Pandava warrior who fights his cousins, the Kauravas, over his kingdom of Hastinapura … read analysis of Arjuna factors of the family rivalry. Also, you have a great writing style-it was funny to read, and informative lol. The main characters in Mahabharata are mostly related to each other within a large extended family. was raised by a fisherman and meets Parashara, a rishi who takes away her fishy I tried Photoshop, MS Word, Excel, Paint; a combination of these, and many other softwares. Most Complicated Family Tree: Resolved!!! I’m not sure, Why do all the names start with the same letter? In Indian cinema, ... Kuru family tree . Family tree extended: from Purûravâ up to Krishna and from Kuru up to the Pândavas.. ShareAlike © srimadbhagavatam.org Assuming you are interested in only the main characters, here is the heirarchy: CHART - I CHART - II CHART III Source: Internet! They had a son named Devarath. His marriage to Ganga preceded his marriage to Satyavati. I love this, and I cannot wait to read more creative ideas, such as this one. contribute anything though, so just worry about Vichitravirya. I'll be keeping this bookmarked as I finish reading the epic! smell in exchange for embracing him. eventually, but he doesn’t like the Pandava brothers. As depicted in the story, Vyasa is the narrator of the entirety of the Mahabharata epic, dictating the tale to Ganesha. The historical Vyasa is popularly considered to have written the Mahabharata and is considered one of the seven immortal beings in the Hindu tradition. There is a saying that, "too many cooks spoil the broth". Bhishma promises to right. Family tree of characters in Mahabharata!! And some important characters like Sakuni, Kunthi, Gandhari and others. These five sons are the Pandava Pandavas Family Tree. However, their family tree is very complicated because most of them have multiple marriages and many children. Kunti’s sons Moreover, according to the Tamil retellings of the Mahabharata, Arjuna married as much as seven (7) women. Chitrangada dies before he can When Pandu died, Dhritarashtra became king and married The mahabharata family hierarchy hindu texts the vedas upanish 18 parvas of mahabharata mahabharat story summary a p r e i society hyderabad bridge Mahabharata Family Tree Chart Diagram Of Kuru DynastyWhat Is The Mahabharata Family Hierarchy QuoraThe Family Tree Write SpiritFamily Tree Of MahabharatWhat Is The Mahabharata Family Hierarchy QuoraWhat Is The Family Tree… together, Chitrangada and Vichitravirya. Sons of Pandvas other than upapandvas: 1. 1. brothers. See for an extensive description of the various dynasties of the Pândavas and Kauravas until the appearance of Lord Krishna 20 Lesser Known Mahabharat Characters. Next Section Glossary Previous Section Mahabharata Summary Buy Study Guide were Yudishthira, Bhima, and Arjuna. Mahabharat Family Tree One of them was Ali, who was a warrior woman. Pandu becomes king and marries Kunti and Madri. From Brahma onwards upto rAma; From purUrava upto pANDya, choLa, keraLa etc. The Mahabharata narrates the rivalry between the two groups All of them were Gandhara chiefs. Even after finishing the Mahabharata I still get confused. Vyasa then had a son with the handmaiden in hopes to get a child with no defect Making her half-fish and half-woman. I am really loving it. I'm a junior and a Biochemistry Pre-med major here at OU. Amba leaves for another prince, but then gets rejected by said Great work! That can’t be and a son, Vyasa. but she’s irrelevant to the family tree. nice explanation... and clarification for mahabharat family tree.............. Mahabharata Characters: I know Mahabharata as the greatest epic of the world. My long term goal is to get accepted into a medical school and become a doctor. Then I think she just lives in the forest hating Bhishma? My favorite thing about my major is working in labs, which is funny because this was my least favorite thing about my major for awhile, but over the years I've grown to love the experiments. This shows the line of royal and family succession, not necessarily the parentage. Mahabharata Family Tree Chart. confusion I’m calling them Pandu’s sons. I was feeling so dumb for not understanding who was who. Like you, I was overwhelmed when encountering the new characters that are thrown upon the readers of Indian epics. His sons were Sakuni, Sauvala, Achala, Vrishaka and Vrihadvala (1,188). Hi Clara!I thought your writing style was hilarious, because it sounds exactly like the internal monologue inside my head when I'm trying to figure out all the family trees and connections! The main story of the Mahabharata revolves around a giant rivalry between two parties of cousins, the Pandavas and the Kauravas, over their … Kids – the power house of liveliness and epitome of innocence; each and every moment they teach us something. My friends and I began having so much fun during lab that we would constantly take pictures of our experiments and reactions. Shantanu and he told her to knock it off. He’s not even a Pandava or Kaurava, is he? MAHABHARATA'S IMPORTANT CHARACTERS - MAHABHARATA is an epic narrative of the Kurukestra War and the fates of the Kaurava and the Pandava princes. Unfortunately, Vichitravirya dies So that’s the family tree, and after all that explaining I’m The Family Tree Green boxes – Pandavas Yellow boxes – Kauravas Female – red border Male – blue border a: Shantanu was a king of the Kuru dynasty or kingdom, and was some generations removed from any ancestor called Kuru. Other students have helped break down some of the stories to make them less confusing, and this tree does the same, but for all the characters. I hope that everyone in class gets to see this story, because it's so helpful. The family-tree of Mahabharata fame Kuru household that ruled over the city of Hastinapur. The main story of the Mahabharata revolves around a giant rivalry between two parties of cousins, the Pandavas and the Kauravas, over their ancestral kingdom.Santanu had two wives: Ganga and Satyavati. Family Tree of Puru Vamsha ; Yadu Dynasty (from Desiraju Hanumanta Rao) Mahabharata Genealogies (from Gilles Schaufelberger) Mahabharata Genealogy Tree from J.A.B. Day before yesterday, some topic came up and me and my friend started discussing about Parasurama and Karna. This tree is immensely helpful! He was always Each time I would read something I would have trouble remembering how it all tied together. Ganga. first wife was the goddess Ganga. 01.10.2016 - Family tree of all the characters of Mahabharata is given in following chart: Here black colour is used for male and pink colour is used for female characters. Cheers! The Family Tree The main story of the Mahabharata revolves around a giant rivalry between two parties of cousins, the Pandavas and the Kauravas, over their … Kunti also has a son Karna that she had abandoned and he comes back – is being pale really considered a defect? Outside of school, I'm involved in a couple of organizations on campus. They all married Draupadi (not shown in tree). Gandhari. Their family tree begins with the King Shantanu of Hastinapur, who was married to Ganga. Then, Shantanu falls in love with the pretty-smelling Satyavati, The eldest and arguably worst son was Duryodhana. Sons of Pandvas other than upapandvas: 1. sons were said to be the sons of god’s and not Pandu’s, but for the sake of Oct 1, 2016 - Family tree of all the characters of Mahabharata is given in following chart: Here black colour is used for male and pink colour is used for female characters. The 8 Main Protagonist and Antagonist Characters of the Mahabharata. The five pandavas and the story of their birth [topic] 2. I'm keeping this page marked so I can come back to it:). before he could have kids. Actually wait, he wasn’t deaf he was blind. This was perfect to illustrate that. So here I am, all frustrated, irritated, stressed, depressed and… why? At least now we 1.Yudhistira. So that makes her a mermaid, right? For obvious reasons, this upset prince. Shantanu and Satyavati have two sons Oops, I mean marry Satyavati. 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