Ascent – To climb upward while gaining elevation, usually used to describe tackling a mountain or large hill. A sort of 'alter-ego'. The Superior Hiking Trail is about 250 miles long, but the 60- to 70-mile stretch from Duluth’s urban Lakewalk (just off I-35) to Tettegouche State Park/MN-1 (a big parking area on the main highway) is beautiful and not overly challenging, with near-continuous views of the largest Great Lake. An area that is remote, difficult to access, and undeveloped. I.E. Headlamp: A flashlight that attaches to your head and shines a light in any direction that your head is facing. Hiking the trail in its entirety takes five to seven months. It takes decades to wrangle government agencies, assemble trail crews, raise money, and establish an organization that will maintain the trail. In hiking/backpacking terms, a temporary shelter usually consisting of 1 “wall” that typically leans against tree’s to provide shelter. Another word for hiking. When I was new to hiking in the mountains, I kept coming across this term. Lash point: A loop or ring on the exterior of gear that allows you to attach any desired accessory for easy access. To hikers, it means to build or repair gear with imagination. Blaze – a vertical stripe painted on trees or posts to mark the trail you are hiking on. Pot cozy: A piece of material that you wrap around a pot to keep it warm while it finishes cooking. Lyme disease: An inflammatory disease caused by bacteria from ticks. Sinai Trail, a 250 km (160 mi) thru-hike in Sinai from Nuweiba to St. Catherine mountain (Egypt highest summit) Asia Bhutan. Talus: A large group of boulders at the base of a cliff that requires a scramble to cross. They will drink as much water as they can and load up with as much water as they can carry. What the heck are those hikers saying? Pink Blazing: Slowing down or speeding up your pace to stay close to a romantic interest. Shelters (also called huts & lean-tos): A three or four sided wooden or stone building, spaced out usually between 5-15 miles apart. Nero: A near zero-day, covering anything less than 10 miles in a day. Comfort hiker: The person who believes that 50 pounds on the back with everything including the kitchen sink is safer than using ultralight gear. Yellow-blazing – driving, hitch-hiking, or walking on a paved road to avoid a difficult section of trail. Each year as the popularity of the trail grows the pack grows accordingly. Herd path:  The unofficial path that hordes of hikers make when unintentionally taking the same path. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Treeline – The point of elevation on a mountain above which the climate will no longer support tree growth. This is hiking time and does not take into consideration fitness, exploration, rest, contemplation, etc. Just like any other hobby or practice, there are words and phrases that have different meanings than face value. UL Topographic map: A map that shows the shapes and features of the land, including contour lines. PUD: Pointless ups and downs that are not always shown on the map and are relatively small yet annoying constant elevation gains. Beta = info about the climb/hike you planning from someone that's been there. As I began to tackle more and more miles everything began to slow down and I realized there was a hiking language all of its own. Thanks for the comment. The trail, originally built by the NYNJ Trail Conference showcases trail building techniques used throughout the Catskills on new, sustainable trails and trail reconstruction projects. MacGyver – Based on the TV show where the hero would construct useful devices out of common materials. They are commonly found on hiking trails, but it is not unusual… Katahdin: The highest peak in the state of Maine, it is the Northern terminus of the AT. This is the fastest known time that a trail has been completed (difficult to verify). Day Hiker: You will smell them from a mile away. Moccasin mail: Inspirational messages left behind by hikers to lift others spirits. Topo (or Topographic) Bushwhacking: To travel through an area where no path or markers exist; such as through the woods. Freshly showered and the strong scent of deodorant their freshly showered smell and full bottles of clean water stick are in stark contrast to the average thru hiker. Find your next favorite trail. Prime hiking season runs July through mid-September. Read my full policy here. Widow maker – Limbs or whole trees themselves that have partially fallen but remain hung up overhead and so pose a danger to a person below. Acronym for good old raisins and peanuts or granola, oats, raisins, and peanuts. Aqua blazing – Canoeing or floating a portion of the trail. The elevation varies depending on depending on the region and mountain range. Believe it or not, there are a large number of terms related to hiking to learn. Blaze: A spot or mark on a tree, rock, or sign that is used to identify a trail route. Per the FTC, This website contains affiliate links, advertisements, and sponsored posts. Zig zag: When you hike on a switchback trail, Arbor Explorer is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Iceberg – Large rocks planted in the ground at an overused campsite to discourage any more tenting. It is slower and should be avoided as much as possible to preserve the environment. It takes decades to wrangle government agencies, assemble trail crews, raise money, and establish an organization that will maintain the trail. Hiking Quotes are a great source of inspiration and motivation – get inspired below, vote for your favourite hiking quote at the end and find out more about booking a hiking tour with Hillwalk Tours!. bushwhack Maine trails have blue blazes, while the AT has white blazes. Shell layer: The outermost layer of clothing, usually waterproof or water resistant. It could be a home cooked meal or a cooler full of ice cold beverages. Yogi or Yogi-ing – Letting food be offered by strangers without actually asking them directly (If you ask, it’s begging!). Or perusing a Facebook group only to find that everyone is using a language that you have never heard? A 3,100-mile trail and one leg of the “triple crown” of thru hikes. For reviews, I was provided with a complimentary copy of the item unless otherwise stated. PLR: The “Path of Least Resistance”, or the easiest route. Cairn – Used as trail markers, they are a human-made pile of stones. Acclimatization – The process of becoming gradually accustomed to … Angel Food – Food give to hikers by trail angels. Bushwack: Blazing your own trail. It’s caused by a microscopic parasite called Giardia Lamblia. A tough 12-day trek taking you on a traverse, you can stay in huts or camp in remote areas. Have you ever been reading a hiking book and gotten a little lost? Blaze – A mark along a trail to mark the direction of the trail. Bivy sack: A thin and waterproof layer of protection that protects your sleeping bag from the elements. 1.4 mph for moderate trails. Find more ways to say hiking, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. A mail drop is usually made ahead of time, before the hike starts, and a person not hiking mails the package according to a pre-arranged schedule so that it arrives on time for the hiker to receive it at the post office. Reno – A section of trail recently relocated. End to ender: A term used for a 2000 mile hiker. Not always a good thing. Broken out: A trail in the snow that has been packed down beforehand by hikers in snowshoes. Don’t be the stinky kid on the trail. Waterbar: A large rock, log, or barrier that diverts water away from the trail. Sitting around and having a conversation with a group of seasoned hikers left me scratching my head at times and wondering what the hell they were talking about. By the middle of July, most alpine passes are snow-free. However, I never came across a sign marked switchbacks. Hiker shuffle: The way a thru hiker walks after taking off their pack. Leave No Trace: 7 principles put in place to promote conservation and sustainability of the wilderness. Wilderness Area – An official designation for public lands set aside to be protected from humans. Commonly used to reduce pack weight. Seeminly only an eastcoast or A.T practice. Posthole: When you are hiking through deep snow and your leg sinks deep into the snow. Yard Sale – When a hiker empties out their pack onto a surface to sort, resupply, re-pack it, etc…. In Scotland it isn’t usual to give specific names to any of these – we normally just call them what they are! Flop house: Affordable housing commonly used amongst thru-hikers. Bushwacking = overgrown trail Ford = crossing a stream / creek Cirque = Group of Mtns. Usually painted on a tree in a neon color. Web face: The first person on the trail in the morning who ends up clearing out the spider webs with their face. I love turquoise, long hikes, Cherry Dr. Pepper, & tornados. Primitive shelters are located 10 to 12 miles (16 to 19 km) apart.… Appalachian National Scenic Trail. Draft tube: An extra layer of insulation at the top of a sleeping bag which prevents air from getting inside the sleeping bag. These Terms and Conditions apply to all bookings, advice and reservations managed, provided, marketed, or sold by Hiking Trails Pty Ltd trading as ‘‘, ‘Hiking Trails Australia‘ and ‘Hiking Trails‘ acting as a “travel service”, “advisor” and/or “booking agent”;. Hermit hiker: The hiker who prefers to walk alone. Calorie loading: Eating as much high carb, high fat, and high-calorie food while in town for a stop. Switchback – zigzag trail that makes it easier to hike. Potable water: Clean water that you can drink without filtering or sanitizing. Hiking vocabulary, Hiking word list - a free resource used in over 40,000 schools to enhance vocabulary mastery & written/verbal skills with Latin & Greek roots. Section-Hiker: A hiker that completes a section of a long distance trail. Lower blood pressure and cholesterol: Hiking through the trails on a regular basis decreases blood pressure and cholesterol, thus reducing the danger of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke for those at high-risk. The Slovenian Mountain Trail (SPP) covers all the Alpine ranges in Slovenia (Kamnik Alps, Karavanke and Julian Alps), starting with a hike across Pohorje, over the Dinaric ridges and crossing the magnificent Karst Edge to end up right on the coast at Ankaran. Yet not only do we have long trails, we've got a country of them. Estonian walking/hiking organisation, providing some info on hiking trails. Lean to: A permanent or temporary simple shelter that has three walls and an open end. NPS: National Park Service, the government organization in charge of caring for public lands saved by the American people so that we all get an opportunity to enjoy them. Another word for hiking. An Adventure Projects staff member will review this and take an appropriate action, but we generally don't reply. Trail crews do their best to clear the way, but hiking early in the season, ahead of trail crews, means more blow downs. Look, the: A determined stare that every thru hiker who accomplishes the trail develops at some point or another, you can see the focus in their eyes. Hiker heaven: The home of Jeff and Donna Saufley who go out of their way to act as trail angels to everyone on the PCT. This definitive list explains the running terms and definitions you may come across when reading our blog, other websites and books, and speaking with other runners. Cairne: A stacked pike of stones that resembles a pyramid used to mark the trail. Zero Day – A day in which no miles are hiked, usually because the hiker is stopping in a town to re-supply and/or rest. Other than “a hike”, is there a specific meaning of “a ramble”? Africa Namibia. One day, I was hiking with a friend and as we were headed up the steep mountain she said, “these switchbacks are killing me”! Gore-tex: A waterproofing material that is used on nylon and other outdoor products. It can be an established building or a dilapidated structure. One of the best hikes in Norway, the challenging trail covers 16 miles (27 km) long and about 3,000 feet (900 meters) ascent. Hiking has gone Hollywood with the film adaptation of Cheryl Strayed’s backpacking memoir Wild – and the Pacific Crest Trail is its real star. Web face – What happens to the first person on the trail each morning – they clear away all the spider webs across the trail with their face. Vitamin: Ibuprofen, given that name due to the frequency that hikers consume it. Usually seen on packs with few pockets to make the attachment of an external pocket, knife, sunglasses holder or other accessory possible. Ridge runner: A person employed by the government or trail association who walks the trail and educates people and enforces rules and regulations. Hiker Shuffle – What a long distance hiker looks like after taking off their pack and walking. Relo: Short for relocation, a section of the trail has made a recent move. Dirtbag: The avid outdoorsman or women who fully embrace the outdoor life while ignoring the cleanliness standards the rest of society observes. Pack explosion: The aftermath of attempting to find something in the bottom of your pack, often coincides with a look of disbelief. Lacking any protection on the front of your shoes can lead to a trip ruining impact when you inevitably look up from the trail to enjoy the scenery. YMMV: Your mileage may vary, a nice way to say that not everyone hikes at the same pace. Web master – The first person on the trail each morning – result (see Web face). COVID-19 Corona Virus South African Resource Portal. A small hole or opening sometimes surrounded by metal. For those of you who may not be familiar with some of the backpacking/hiking terms and slang, here’s a little help: AT: short for “Appalachian Trail”. Trail names are supposed to be given from other hikers. Trail beggar: Someone who is no prepared and asks everyone around them for food. Location of Trails. Nobo: Short for Northbounder. Filter by length, rating, and difficulty level. What the heck are those hikers saying? Here’s one brand that’s always going to have your back. Backcountry: Remote or sparsely populated rural areas; wilderness. T Book time: The estimated time to complete the trail found in guidebooks. Orienteering – A trek using a map and compass to find one’s way through unfamiliar territory. Originally, a mark made by removing bark from a tree. Canister stove: A small stove that doubles as a pot stand and uses a pressurized fuel canister that attaches to a threaded hub. Often referred to as the finest scenery in the United States, the majority of the hike is in the Alpine Zone. Base weight: The total combined weight of your backpacking gear excluding consumables such as food, water, and fuel. “The Trail Provides” (phrase) – A phrase meaning that, in emergencies or difficult situations, a hiker’s needs will be met somehow. It causes dizziness, nausea, headaches, and shortness of breath. Welcome to our A-Z of trail running terms glossary! Terms of Use • Privacy Policy• Disclosure• Contest Rules. Hiker funk: After a month or two on the trail the stench and grime become difficult to get out of your clothes. Base layer: The first layer of clothing that is closest to your skin which is sweat wicking and quick drying. CBS: Cold butt syndrome. Wilderness area: An area set aside by the US government that is protected from commercial development. Maine trails have blue blazes, while the AT has white blazes. my trail name is Nutty Hiker due to my tall tales and nutty antics on the trail. Learn how your comment data is processed. Z Rest – A closed cell sleeping pad that folds into a rectangular block, rather than rolling up. A trail name often comes from a humorous or significant characteristic associated with the hiker. Pot Cozy – A foam or cloth wrap to keep a cooking pot warm while it finishes cooking. Stealth camp: Camping in a location that may not be allowed with the intention of not being seen. Verglas: A thin, clear sheet of ice that forms on rocks. It is an area that has a special set of rules put in place by the Forest Service that is above and beyond normal backcountry rules. 42. Trail Terms: a glossary of the most important mountain hiking lingo. Here is a quick guide to some of the more common trail terms and lingo out there. Glissade: The only way to descend a snow slope. Ramble is now officially added to the list! Crampon: A set of spikes that attach to your boot to prevent slippage when walking on ice. Loft: The amount of air inside the insulating material of a sleeping bag, or in simpler terms, the fluffiness. DWR: Durable water repellent. Extras/Slackpacking/Shuttle services. This page explains basic mountain terrain terms. What a great idea. Rainfly: A waterproof cover that is made to fit over your tent and will prevent water and moisture from getting inside the tent. Most are near a water source, and some have a privy. A lot of these terms are used fairly often, either when on the trail or engaged in a conversation about hiking. Hiking Backpack. Yellow blazing: Following the road, either by foot or hitchhiking, to avoid a difficult part of the trail. Tricky spots, caches, shortcuts, and other insider information that makes trail life a little easier. Cowboy camping: Camping like a cowboy with nothing more than a sleeping bag on the ground. FUD – Short for Female Urination Device. The most obvious of these features is the built-in global navigation systems (GPS, Glonass, and Galileo). Trailhead – Entry point of the trail from a road or parking lot. It’s a step down from a standard outhouse. in a circle/half circle PCT = Pacific Coast Trail (also known as a 'Thru-hike') JMT = John Muir trail (part of PCT) Talus = large rocks to scramble over Topo = Topographical map Gear head: That friend of yours who can never get enough hiking, camping, and backpacking gear. Access Trail – A trail that connects a primary trail to a road, campground, or another trail. Thru Hiker Someone who is in the process of completing a Thru Hike. Arbor Explorer is reader-supported. Slabbing – Refers to going around a mountain on a moderately graded footpath, as opposed to going straight up and over the mountain. SOBO: Southbounder, a person who begins their thru hike heading South. Unlike a weekender in the Enchantments, a long-distance hike (we’re talking a week to a month or even up to six months if you’re looking at the entire Pacific Crest Trail) is an exercise in endurance and perseverance, both mentally and physically. Acclimatization: The process through which your body adjusts to reduced oxygen levels associated with a significant rise in elevation. book time: An estimate of the time required to hike a trail, as reported in the Appalachian Mountain Club's White Mountain Guide. Most of the time this requires clearing your own path (usually with a machete or other instrument). Understory: The vegetation and growth that occurs under the forest canopy. Stunted or deformed vegetation. Thru-Hike (noun): Traditionally a contiguous hike from one end of a trail to another. Hydration bladder: A hydration system built as a backpack or waste pack containing a bladder made of rubber and plastic. Often a paint spot or arrow used to guide hikers along the official route of the trail. Trail Name: Name a hiker goes by on the Trail. Pack it out: Packing out all your garbage so that you leave nothing behind. Cairns are palm sized rocks stacked atop each other. Power Hiker – A hiker who habitually chooses to cover very long distances each day, often hiking late into the evening. I did not know what it meant, but I decided to go on the hikes anyway. Blaze – Term used when referring to a trail indicator found on a tree. Krummholz: “Crooked, bent, twisted wood”. Hiking trails, even well maintained ones, are full of rocks, roots and other potential hazards, so we almost always recommend a hiking shoe with some type of toe cap. Hiking . Copyright © 2020 — Nutty Hiker Advenures | Bridget Carlson • All rights reserved. Never lose the trail, even if you lose your cell signal. Nutty Hiker here – military wife, mom, photographer, writer, and an avid hiker. Mud Hooks – Foot trails left in mud by hikers ahead of you. Treeline: The elevation in a mountain range where the trees no longer grow, also referred to as the alpine zone. Access trail: A trail created and maintained to connect a primary trail to a road, campground, or another trail. You don’t have to keep a brutal pace for bragging rights, hike at your own pace. A southern term. Much like Yogi the Bear! Hermit Hiker – Hiker that prefers to solo hike. 1.2 mph for strenuous and very strenuous trails. Power hiker: A person who chooses to cover as many miles as possible, hiking long hours well into the evening on a regular basis. Easily find dog or kid-friendly trails. Almost all hikers go by a trail name. It makes for a super difficult hike. Rock hop: Getting across a stream or river by jumping from rock to rock without getting your feet wet. Trail Name – A nickname adopted by or given to a hiker. Users love the … You stink… Really, really bad. Groundling: A person who chooses to sleep on the ground every chance possible. Ramble: A walk for pleasure, typically without a definite route. Colored and patterned duct tape is quickly becoming the norm as well to mark trails. 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