The process for complete eradication will most likely need to be repeated several times as new growth from the cuttings and the leftover roots will be vigorous. Eradicating Poison Ivy. Includes Free Shipping via … So to speak. Ferns (Various Genera) Garden ferns are an unusual family of plants, since they include several … Yes, it is worth every snip; $29.95 for a 1-gallon pot through Brighter Blooms. Finally, get more ideas on how to successfully plant, grow, and care for ivy with our Ivy: A Field Guide. • Like ivy, kinnikinnick is adapted to well-drained sandy soils and sun. Continue to be watchful and vigilant. Geranium. Ivy weighing down the trunk of a maple tree. We herewith are pleased to list alternative recommendations to ivy for use as a ground cover in the shade, with the hope that you, the consumer who drives the market, will drive a more environmentally friendly plant. Climbs from 15' to 25'. Deciduous alternatives to English Ivy for shade: Wild ginger (Asarum canadense) is a lovely deep green and spreads in dense shade with moisture. In Armitage’s Vines and Climbers, he profiles selections of climbing plants for a wide variety of sites and conditions; $29.95 at Amazon. Recommended Alternative: Kinnikinnick Arctostaphylos uva-ursi. Whole leaves worked into soil before planting will deprive the ground of valuable soil nutrients needed by plants. Copyright © 2007-2020 Remodelista, LLC. Watch this one in case of dry weather and keep it watered. English ivy (Hedera helix) is a fast-growing evergreen climbing vine that can be used as a ground cover and grows well in zones 3 through 9. This one spreads easily if planted in soil with plenty of humus, but go easy on the fertilizer. Add bonemeal as fertilizer. If conditions are ideal, it spreads freely and can be invasive. Meet our editorial team, see our book, and get the inside scoop on upcoming Gardenista events. Hedera, which we commonly refer to as English Ivy (pl. Creeping Thyme. Ground Covers: A Field Guide. Did we mention that when it’s overgrown it’s a favorite spot for rats to nest in? Just one or two sprigs transplant easily and will start a colony. This type of ivy can be quite invasive, so if you grow it in your garden, you will need to … Plants competing with tree roots in shade need a great deal of food (I use Miracid) and water. Recommended for zones 4 to 9; $6 through Earth First Native Plant Nursery. In spite of their assets, these ground covers are boring. All rights reserved. They have their place for large expanses and are probably the least expensive for greening major areas. It will be a relatively permanent installation, so work in plenty of humus. Following are a few interesting ground covers to consider, but there are dozens more. With lilacs, how about a carpet of lily of the valley? Looking for a low maintenance way to cover a large swath of ground? With large trumpet flowers, this vine spreads rapidly and sends up root suckers, putting itself in the middle of the invasive versus non-invasive debate; $29.95 in a large 3-gallon pot through Top Tropicals. It will cover a standard-sized trellis in a single season and is easy to grow from seed (being a member of the bean family); $3.25 for a pack of seeds at Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. Protect yourself and your plants. It is an evergreen twining climber whose flowers are hummingbird and butterfly magnets. It grows just two inches high (so no mowing required!) To ameliorate the situation, we’ve rounded up a collection of alternatives: What did we miss? Its leaves suggest pick-a-back plant. Above: Native honeysuckles are not considered to be invasive like the Asiatic varieties. Finally, get more ideas on how to plant, grow, and care for various vines and climbers with our Vines & Climbers: A Field Guide. Before any ground cover is planted, the soil must be prepared well. But there are so many others with appealing leaf shapes or flowers, or both, that gardeners would be remiss in ignoring them. Buy Persian Ivy HERE and Save. Your resource for finding the best storage and home organization solutions for every room in the house. Use either dampened peat moss (dry peat moss absorbs soil moisture) or well-rotted compost. They bloom profusely in early summer with delicate pink flowers. Many species are available and choice is a matter of taste. Recommended for zones 4 to 8, it doesn’t like the humid conditions of the South; $19.48 for a 4-inch pot through American Meadows. Creeping Jenny is sometimes considered an invasive weed in the yard; however, this plant will make a great ground cover to replace a lawn. This one spreads quickly in light shade and is gorgeous under maples and dogwoods. English ivy is a popular choice for ground cover. These nodes root, then continue to spread over the ground. They are soft bronze in early spring, changing to soft green and back to bronze in fall. We have 200 guides on everything from fences to foxgloves. The one-stop sourcebook for the considered home, guiding readers artfully through the remodeling and design process. SOURCEBOOK FOR CONSIDERED LIVING The shiny dark green foliage creates a solid blanket of green after just a few seasons. Foamflower provides a wild and woodsy effect. I. They look great tucked into rock walls. The plants are well suited to shade and poor conditions. Algerian Ivy Vigorous growing vine or ground cover that clings to tree trunks, walls, or fences with ease. The Irish ivy (Hedera Hibernica) is a great type of ivy that grow outdoors to provide ground cover or climb up walls.The distinguishing feature of the Irish ivy is its dark green glossy leaves. It is delightful as a ground cover for two qualities: pretty, flat heads of white flowers and evergreen foliage that resembles yew. Goldflame spirea has fabulous fall color. Ivy, Pachysandra, Similar Ground Covers are NOT OK for use over a septic drainfield: these plants will reduce effluent evaporation from the drainfield, soil absorption system, soakaway system, or mound soils. Comments: This is the native plant that is most commonly recommended as an alternative to English ivy in shady locations. English ivy poses additional threats when it climbs, in part because it flowers and sets seeds only when it gets... Shrubby Plants. Once you plant Ivy, it’s all over, you’ll never get rid of it and once it’s established it isn’t very pretty. See the article in its original context from. Above: I confess to loving the voracious growth and strong aroma of Confederate (or Star) Jasmine Vine that hangs over my garage. Alternatives to English Ivy Perennial Groundcovers. Scatter slow-release all-purpose fertilizer, such as 10-10-10, across the surface of the soil at the rate recommended on the label, which will vary depending on the type of fertilizer you buy. Above: Horticulturalist Allan Armitage has an unapologetic love of vines (even those that some despise for their invasive nature). English Ivy vs. Silver and Gold. Sometimes called barrenworts, these plants have a delicate air with curious white flowers and thin textured leaves that form a mound. Starting from scratch or upgrading an outdoor space? Phlox. To do so, suit up … It has the mint family's bad habit of aggressive growth and must be cut back once or twice a summer or it will become a nuisance. Although there are many species of phlox, one, P. stonlifera, is a delight for ground covering. SOURCEBOOK FOR THE CONSIDERED HOME Violets. It wants to climb, but lacking support, it will trail and spread. If you have a favorite climbing plant, tell us about it in the comment section below. Ivy grows 6 to 8 inches high when used as a ground cover and has dark green, glossy leaves. Then, generously apply an herbicide to the ground where you pulled the vines and roots. Join the great ivy debate; see our recent post: Vertical Garden Kit: The Ideal Ivy. We can’t urge you enough not to do this. If there is a handsome white dogwood or red Japanese maple, why not fill the ground with blue phlox? Dead nettle is another option. Additionally, get more ideas on how to plant, grow, and care for various ground cover plants with our Ground Covers: A Field Guide. And it reseeds like the dickens. Sweet woodruff (Galium). Above: A stunning ornamental vine, Hyacinth Bean (Lablab purpureus) is a twining perennial that is winter hardy in zones 10 to 11. To preserve these articles as they originally appeared, The Times does not alter, edit or update them. Recently we offered a professional’s recommendation of the perfect Ivy plant. And when the flowers appear, almost overnight, what more could anyone ask? Cover the entire area with mulch. Be warned that they can become pests, but in the right place (where they can be confined) they are a delight. Although typically evergreen. Low Water Ground Covers. Creeping Jenny (Lysimachia nummularia) is sometimes considered an invasive weed in the yard; however, this plant will make a great ground cover to replace a lawn. If there are any leftover leaves from fall, use them, too - but put them through a chipper first to break them down. Add these ground cover plants and flowers to your garden to fix your yard's trouble spots, whether it's grass that won't grow, erosion problems, or boring beds. Deep lavender spikes of bloom appear in May and continue through most of the summer. I think it’s one of the showiest of the early bloomers. All Gardenista stories—from garden tours and expert advice to hand tools and furniture roundups. Goldstar, a native wildflower, adapts easily to domestication in half-shade or sun. Ivy is a popular solution… and a popular habitat for rats and other undesirables. “You don’t have to baby it,” she says. Remodelista, Gardenista, 10 Easy Pieces, Steal This Look, 5 Quick Fixes, Design Sleuth, High/Low Design, Sourcebook for the Considered Home, and Sourcebook for Considered Living are ® registered trademarks of Remodelista, LLC. Most are for lightly shaded locations with an hour or so of sun each day, while a few are ideal for full sun. Evg. Epimediums. Goldflame spirea makes an excellent ground cover and should be considered as an alternative to vinca or ivy. A choice favorite is the cunning dwarf, Geranium dalmaticum, less than six inches tall. Candytuft (Iberis). Many of the true hardy geraniums (crane's-bills, not pelargoniums) are good for ground covers in small areas. PACHYSANDRA, myrtle and ivy are workhorses for gardeners. I have yet to see this delightful late spring and fall bloomer listed as a ground cover, perhaps because it has such tall and showy flowers (nearly 2-inches across), but it certainly acts like one, at least in my Rocky Mountain back yard. Gardenista’s members-only directory of landscape architects and garden designers. Above: Crossvine (Bignonia capreolata), another native of the Eastern United States, is hardy in zones 5 to 9. This plant has pretty mint-shaped leaves with white edges. It supplies a summerlong display of rich yellow sunflowers over a tidy mat of foliage. Then choose a compatible ground cover to join them in flower. This one is good for moist shady places with airy white spikes of bloom. Ivies), is a family of around 20 species of evergreen perennial plants. First things first: Protect yourself and your plants. A few types of ivy produce flowers. Algerian Ivy is frost tender in some areas. Ground covers serve the same purpose in a garden as carpets do indoors. Ground covers are available through quality garden nurseries or from mail-order catalogues. Sourcebook for Cultivated Living, sister site to @remodelista These flowers are mentioned with mixed emotions. This is a digitized version of an article from The Times’s print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996. English Ivy Alternatives Candytuft is usually considered a perennial edging plant or draper over rock walls. A dense mat of low-growing plants protects the surface beneath (preventing soil erosion), keeps dust out of the air, and adds a layer of rich texture underfoot. Later on, pachysandra dresses up with creamy flowers and myrtle follows with pretty blue petals. Although I literally do not use chemical herbicide for any other purpose, I do … Looking for tropical plants for your indoor space, If you garden, you might consider winter to be you, When designer @roseuniacke and her husband purchas, It might feel like dropping temperatures mean the, In the design world, you hear a lot about bringing, Climbing Hydrangea (Hydrangea anomala petiolaris). • Its evergreen foliage and mat-like spreading habit give an emerald look year-round. Anemone. With its yellow blooms and coin-looking foliage, creeping Jenny will easily brighten up the lawn, especially shady areas. Trumpet Honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens) is native to the Eastern United States. Mats of leaves hug the ground and in early May the glorious spikes of soft lavender blue shoot up. Violets are good to share with neighbors. Fast growing, it’s practically a vertical garden kit on its own. Florida Native Ground Cover Plants . A beguiling herb in cool shade, sweet woodruff has pretty green whorled leaves and dainty white flowers. New plants may even bloom the first year, if set out early enough. Boston Ivy, my third favorite, actually likes full sun. Browse our collection of more than 2,000 plants and seeds, which can be ordered directly from our favorite shops and growers. A fast-growing evergreen ground cover, ivy comes in many types. Native Alternatives to English Ivy, Japanese Pachysandra and Periwinkle These shade-loving ground covers are good for the environment and say something about where you are Message received. Another hardy ground cover option that can survive some trampling, creeping mazus is an attractive grass alternative for small areas, such as in between stepping stones or a small patio area. Goldstar (Chrysogonum). Yes, English ivy is invasive and can get pretty out of control if you don’t keep on top of it, but, in the right setting, it’s a magnificent {and low maintenance, and cheap} ground cover. The plants spread rapidly and are quite hardy, even in coldest winters. Lamium. They bloom profusely in early summer with delicate pink flowers. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. As soon as the flowers fade, cut the tips off carefully and the plants may rebloom in late summer. Look here for advice on plants and hardscape materials. For more, see our collection of Vertical Garden Features. This is easy to establish from pips, sold 12 per package at most garden centers. A 3-to-4-inch mulch will keep down weeds until growth becomes rampant. Known for its high vitamin C content, it is said to be one of the first herb and edible plants brought to … and can spread up to 24 inches within the first two years. Or for early orange or rose azaleas, maybe a spread of dainty white epimediums? With its yellow blooms and coin-looking foliage, creeping Jenny will easily brighten up the lawn, especially shady areas. A … Lily of the valley. Resembles English Ivy except leaves are larger. Clicking through to the retailer that sells the product may earn us a commission. It is a twining, evergreen, woody perennial that grows as a vine in zones 8 to 10 (California, southwestern and southeastern US). Add them to your vertical garden kit. Photograph by Janet Hall. Both Lessingia and Gazania are cleaner, more water wise alternatives to ivy that also have the benefit of blooming. Plan your trip with our destination guides to our favorite public gardens, hotels, restaurants, and shops. A great native plant for carpeting the ground, Kinnikinnick helps sustain wildlife. Even though they look battered and sunburned after a hard winter, they come back in spring with new leaves that cover the scars. Most of the ground covers we typically use are aggressive at spreading and covering the ground. Heading somewhere? For large areas, we recommend Japanese pachysandra (Pachysandra terminalis). If I lived in a brick house, I’d have it growing up the walls and around the windows, I LOVE ivy that much. Nearly anything you use to replace the ivy will be less encouraging to rodents. Receive the Gardenista newsletter in your inbox daily. Most ivy features green leaves, some with light-colored veins, which spread through nodes that appear on the plant’s long vines. The foliage is handsome from earliest spring to late fall. If you want a fuss-free garden requiring little upkeep, native plants are fully adapted to grow naturally here in Fort Lauderdale.. The fragrant herb comes in a variety of cultivars that typically grow anywhere from … To select these more interesting plants, make an inventory of spring tree and shrub blooms. Turf grass historically has been the most common ground cover in many climates. Creeping Phlox (Phlox subulata) Creeping phlox is a short plant often seen covering the side of a hill … English Ivy will grow dense and low, which will crowd out weeds and keep erosion in check. Ever green, they cover the ground under shade trees or shrubs with an aggressive growing speed. See our obsessively curated catalog of favorite products sourced by the Gardenista editors. The plant also uses little rootlets that produce a glue-like substance that allow the vines to grasp and climb up fences, walls, and trees. Depending on their surroundings, these woody plants can be both ground creeping or climbing nearby trees, rocks, buildings, and pretty much anything they can lay their stems on. Ground ivy has a long history of use in alternative medicine and as an edible herb, dating back to the first century A.D. it was long considered a panacea (cure-all). Foamflower (Tiarella). Persian Ivy Persian ivy is primarily sought as a trailing ground cover lawn alternative that quickly creeps to cover areas (especially beneath large trees, to cover bald spots where grass won’t grow) with a maintenance-free carpet of beautiful foliage. Gardening; ALTERNATIVES TO IVY: GROUND-COVER PLANTS. Tag us using #gardenista. Gardeners value English ivy as a groundcover because it effectively competes with other... Vines. Are dozens more great deal of food ( I use Miracid ) and water Fort..! In soil with plenty of humus s recommendation of the true hardy geraniums ( crane's-bills not... Sunny sites, more water wise alternatives to ivy that also have the benefit blooming... Two years favorite products sourced by the Gardenista editors about a carpet of lily of the summer lawn especially... Spring to late fall grow dense and low, which will crowd out weeds and keep erosion in check curated. 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