:)", "Hi Barbara, Your temps are okay, too. ", "This year I sowed a few seeds in deep cells. In Zone 5 a layer of plastic is added, over the row cover, for the months of Dec-Jan. I say this mainly because when I transplanted them, there was barely a bulb on the end- I wasn't sure if they needed to have a little bulb before planting out?- Thanks! Watering onions and other plants from above in the evening can leave plants with wet foliage overnight. I am Aquinas and live in the northern part of Uganda, in the city of Gulu. Consistent exposure to temperatures below 50°F (10°C) for more than 10 days can cause onions to bolt rather than producing big bulbs. Bulb onions, unfortunately, grow very slowly for the first couple of months, and are thus very easily overtaken by weeds. These are not the same as supermarket garlic! ", "I plant the onion, growing very well, but few weeks later the greens are broken and not growing further. I will cover the onions with enviromesh- but find it difficult to ensure that I leave no gaps for the tiny flies to get at my onions!I will try planting sets in May in the hope that I miss their invasion. i have a 80cm trough planter, how far apart do my onions need to be? Good luck! Onion. When I come to transplant after the third leaf, and ultimately into the ground, does this philosophy still apply? Some of the smaller ones are still stuck in the "hoop phase" and I will snip them loose with scissors in next few days. ", "I have planted my onion sets quite deeply in the soil- they are totally submerged and invisible! I am a rookie. So firstly, do i keep them in containers for all of the first year and plant them outside next spring? As you likely already know, onions are a biennial crop, so exposure to cold temperatures will signal the plant that it is nearing the end of its lifecycle. Never done garlic before but my onions are wonderful! I learned that the hard way one year. I transplanted them to 4 1/4 inch deep containers on April 3rd (from 2 litre juice and ice cream containers). Onion seedlings are easy to pull apart for transplanting to the garden, especially if they have good vertical growing space. I also wonder how "onion sets" are produced - those very small onions that I find for sale in Spring, they are dried and hard, have no or a few dried roots, and no shoots; they are just tiny seemingly "hardened-off" onions. At six weeks, onion seedlings are still small. I sowed the seed on 1st January 2019, (you CAN find something useful to do on New Years day) and followed Barbara's method to letter eventually potting them on into plastic cups on 8th March. Your seedlings will not become sets, but will proceed straight to bulbing in midsummer. I harvested about a month ago. I want to plant onions from seed directly in the ground. Just learned that to get good size bulbs I have to start onions from seed so thanks for your info. I've followed your instruction and my onion seeds came up - the tallest currently being about 3". That may be the crucial difference. Next, fill the trench two-thirds full of compost. ", " I had no idea, but intend to cultvate onion during this season in fields. Every day or so I trim the onions back to about 3 inches (7-8 cm) tall, which keeps them from falling over. They seem to be doing the same thing. Cut them off, too. Having read the information on here do I need to trim them to promote bulb growth? You can just sit the onion on top of the soil with the bottom a bit buried. Shallow Planting at Transplant. ", "Julie, cut them back only to 3-4 inches. We need to grow seedlings in mid of June when temperature is around 40C and transplant them in fields in mid of August. I've been giving them feed every week, he hasn't. Good luck! Jamaica is a tropical country with temperatures ranging 90-100 degrees ALL YEAR LONG!!. The trimmings are delicious in dips, salads, sandwiches or as a garnish. I would say they have about 3 leaves each and are probably about 6-7" tall, but are still very thin (I'd say about the thickness of a feather quill). Please bear in mind that I am an onion maniac, and I have no explanation for my obsession with growing onions and shallots from seed to table year after year. ", "Hi Answer + 4. I am an Englishman living in Ukraine. The best light of all is found outdoors on sunny days, so my adolescent onions get moved outdoors whenever we get warm sun. ", "I want to grow onions from seed for my own consumption. Soon after transplanting, my onions often shed the seedling leaf (sometimes called the flag leaf). I use about 3-4 onions a week. Other sources suggest to not trim the tops once the seedlings are in the ground because the leaves are their energy factory. Dig a trench in the soil one to two inches wide, and to a depth of two inches. My onion seedlings stay in pots for up to 10 weeks, so I like to use a soil medium that's unlikely to host diseases. Or do i plant them outside this year? ", "You can grow your own sets if you live in a northern climate where long day onions are grown. ", "Vicci, you can stay at 18 hours and it will be okay for now. Are your onions falling over long before maturity? Would a chick heat lamp work maybe? how do i get rid of a wasp nest without insecticide ? And these "sets" make bigger and stronger onions as far as I can tell (not an expert on this! ", "my onions have grown very tall this year and have a small bulb on the top of many of the stalks.Is this normal or should they be 'deadheaded'? When you transplant them to the garden, the seedlings will pull apart easily. The onions would be harvested before the rainy season begins. Plant seeds and transplants in loose, well-drained soil. I have them under lights 18 hours, but see that you recommend 12 so will cut back. In fact, they order … I keep the lights on my onions for 12 hours a day, and position them within 1 inch (2.5 cm) of the bulbs. They need to make quite a bit more green growth before they will grow big bulbs. When the plants perk up and show new growth, they won't need protection from wind and cold anymore. When possible, you can grow them for 8 weeks or so, until they are almost the thickness of a pencil, and set them out then. Any left onions could be a host for over wintering pests. and I'm wondering since in mt greenhouse if its 90 degrees here and 15 degrees hotter in greenhouse is that going to be to hot? The stuck seedling looks like a little green loop. The tops of my florescent plant lights are flat, and they give off just the right … Curing How long your onions will keep depends on how you treat them after harvest. Might be a good idea to gradually cut back when you get ready to start exposing them to natural sun. Sorry for so many questions but i'm a novice at onions. Try letting them grow longer in their seedling containers, even if they are crowded. Typically first frost is in mid-November. Again, thank you! ", "Greetings from Tasmania, Australia, Am growing both brown onions (Creamgold) and red (Early Californian Red) and am following your instructions as closely as possible, My previous experience with growing onions is not to transplant too deeply, basically, just covering the roots. Do I still have to plant my seeds in a covered nursery or plant directly in the soil? ", "jonathan, the seedlings should go under lights as soon as they elbow their way to the surface. Here in the Ohio, we usually plant our fall onion sets during the middle portion of September. Thanks again for this great article!! Most of them are growing (about 200 seedlings) and will soon need transplanting. Use scissors to get a clean cut. When they get to full, we just dig some of them up and cook with them. Thank you! The tops of my green onions are all falling over and week- help! Onion germination is fastest as 68-77°F (20-25°C), with slight temperature drops at night. ", "Mike, onion seeds that are not up in 2 weeks are not going to germinate. With either type you would start seeds in September or October for harvest in late spring. At this point growing onions from seed requires bright supplemental light, which I provide with a two-bulb florescent fixture. i'm hopeful they will do well when I transplant them into the garden in 3 to 4 weeks. Thanks so much!! They are bright! ", "You can keep onion seedlings in random containers for quite a while, even if they are crowded. When you plant your onion seedlings at this depth, about two-thirds of the bulb will grow above the ground. Keep up the good work", "Hello Barbara, I've had very little success in the 3 yrs I've tried growing from seed but at least now I can see why thanks to your far more detailed advice - thanks ! Good luck! spending bill, NFL team strips QB of captaincy after nightclub visit, Debt cancellation backed by more than half of U.S.: Polls, Trump unpredictable in the last days of his presidency. My question is, is there any reason why I shouldn't start the seeds individually in root trainers and continue growing them on in there until planting out? ", "Hi Barbara, Thank you very much for this information, I will look for those varieties. Applying organic mulch around your onion seedlings can help with weed prevention. Pull the onions early in the morning on a sunny day. Commercial growers use systemic pesticides (another reason to grow your own or buy organic. Viability of Onion Seed. Good luck! Since then they've remained as thin as when they were seedlings, they've barely got a third leaf going (most of them seem to be down to two), and they grow maybe 1/4 inch a day. Unharmed onion tops wither and fall over when the bulbs are ready for harvest. Onion seeds should be started indoors, as they need soil temperatures above 50°F to germinate. As light intensity increases -- plus exposure to gentle wind -- you will see stiff new growth. ", "I find that having the onions planted one-half inch deep, so that the base of the white shank is covered with soil, helps the plants stay upright better than shallow planting. Add your own thoughts on the subject of this article: I have come across a type 'Jambar F1' and I am wondering if any one knows its other name by which it is known in Europe. I have also interplanted pansies with lettuce, which was very pretty. Wait until they are almost the thickness of a pencil to set them out. (Sometimes onions will “lean” over [due to wind and other factors] but that’s not what you’re looking for.) I'll try to be patient! Stick with long-day varieties, which won't mature until late summer in your climate. Onions are complex beasts seemingly, so all this precise advice is very helpful. I shield them from wind by using my cold frame or a plastic-covered tunnel for my onion day care center. ", "Thank you for all your help this past year Barbara. Do you remove them completely from the soil or do you keep as much soil as possible around each seedling? ", "Hi my seeds are comming along nicely on my window sill it is really unseasonably cold here for March at least 10 degrees colder than usual Ive a feeling it could be the middle of April before we even reach cold frame stage,will it matter that final planting could be much later than expected? Do garlic bulbs and elephant garlic need to have their bulbs on the surface- again mine are planted deeply. A: Absolutely not. You can sign in to vote the answer. You will need to look for seed garlic at local farmers markets or order by mail. Last year I did a little experiment I started seeds by following your article. Onions need a bit more moisture than other seedlings but will rot if kept too wet. Onions run on sun, and the sooner they get abundant sunlight, the better. In a 4-inch diameter half-gallon milk carton bottom I would plant 4 seedlings, but only two in a 3-inch pot. ", "Emma, I think that should work, and you will have a lovely color display, too. Today, I prepared the bed for next spring. Four to five weeks after planting, side-dress with additional fertilizer. When it came time to transplant into the gardeb I bought bulbs from the local farm store also. ", "Greetings, I like to water them well every other day, and let them dry out a bit in between. Thanks for your help a very good guide ", "Hi Pleasant ", "Thanks for bringing the allium leaf miner to my attention, Joyce. ", "oh, and I forgot, how will the onions bolt? ", "Hi Barbara. I have trimmed them back to 3 inches because they started to tip. ", "When the onion seedlings are ready to transplant outside, what is the procedure for getting them from the pot to the garden? I'm hoping to do better this year. To shorten this drama and encourage the seedling to get on with growing into an upright onion, I often "rescue the chick" by snipping the loop in half, pulling out the smaller end, and discarding it. Now I always buy fresh onion seed as a result. you actually want to do this to the onion so that you ge maximum bulb growth. Ideally, the plant will have about 13 leaves at this point. Three days later all the weeds were destroyed. ", "This guide was very helpful, as a thank you I am writing an effigy for when the need arises. I've also sown some more Figaro from last year's seed but germination has been very erratic so this emphasises Barbara's point about fresh seed. They seem to grow like weeds. ", "When a gardener's patience wears thin, a rescue replanting is in order. The clay soil may help the scallions to stand a little stiffer. My query is this, When the third leaf develops is the recommended time to transplant. I've never trimmed the onions before - do you believe it's better to trim them to 5" than let them grow to full vertical height? Good luck! Onion seedlings respond to transplanting by making strong upright growth, which I keep trimmed back to about 5 inches (12 cm) high. Recently i applied oxyfen to kill the weeds in the onion seedlings. And this is just during the seedling phase? If the roots of neighboring plants become extremely intertwined it can get ugly on transplanting day....Melissa, trimming back your onion seedlings regularly until they are almost ready to set out will help them bulk up faster and keep them from falling over. Here are a few tips to cure and store onions: (1) the best keepers will be late maturing with thin necks; (2) let onions mature in place; when half the tops are fallen over naturally, knock down the rest of the tops; let the plants dry for another week in the ground; (3) pull up bulbs on a dry day and spread them on a screen to cure in the sun for seven days; (4) cut the tops off leaving a one inch stub; then spread the … They are about 5 inches tall. This is your first harvest! they are doing well about the size of a pencil now and coming into their 5th true leaf. Good luck! Thanks,", "I think you may have little bulbils, which can be replanted but are probably dormant right now. I then grew them on in the greenhouse and outside when practical and planted them out in my raised bed on 20th April. To prevent sunscald, lay the tops of one row over the bulbs of another. Seedlings I gave to my friend are thriving. Onion (Allium cepa) stems, called tops, use the sun to perform photosynthesis to form the onion bulb. I was thinking of trying to control them using a neem oil spray- has any body tried this? Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. After the seedlings have four leaves they seem to need less frequent trimming compared to when they have two. At that point, think about transplanting them to the garden. Soon after the seedlings start getting natural light you should see new upright leaves. ", "Vicki, I'm growing autumn onions from seed, sown in a coldframe, and a few in the greenhouse. I enclose newly seeded containers in a plastic bag to maintain moisture, provide them with bottom heat, and the onion seeds germinate in about 8 days. Third, seedlings that are falling over can be more prone to disease and pests. Can I just say - you're incredible for answering all of these comments, 4 years on! Here you also get the widest range of varieties: red, yellow, or white; round, flat, or long; mild and sweet or pungent and tangy. Skinny onions are notoriously poor competitors with weeds, so they require a certain level of tending. Have you encountered this problem? The onions are different, in that they will push up toward the surface as they swell, often ending up sitting almost on top of the soil. You sow the seeds thickly in late spring and let the plants grow under stress and at tight spacing until they die down in the fall. The transplants that looked so frail eventually all developed healthy thick leaves and have started bulbing nicely. (If you have difficulty using this form, please use our Contact Form to send us your comment, along with the title of this article. Don't over-water seedlings grown indoors or in a greenhouse or cold frame. Thanks", "Nassib, that variety is widely promoted by Monsanto Africa. The best control according to the RHS is to use fleece (row cover) from late February through April, when the adult flies are seeking their favorite host plants - leeks, chives and garlic. You need Steinernema feltiae nematodes for onion maggots. Falling In Love Poppy $4.00 ... BAKER CREEK HEIRLOOM SEEDS AMERICA'S TOP SOURCE FOR PURE HEIRLOOM SEEDS We apologize, but until further notice, the Village, Seed … ", "No, the funny thing is, he potted them out in the same good quality compost I did but in less shallow pots. ", "Helen, with overwintering onions you will need to provide a row cover tunnel if you are north of Zone 7. Cover with ¼ inch of new dirt. ", "My 9onion sets are now up to 5", can I cut them back to 2"? ", "Thanks for all this information, Barbara! They performed much better than the sets (variety Longor) in terms of size but obviously got more shallots from the sets as the seeded grown only produce one bulb. Plant seeds in the spring and again in the fall. )", "Ammendment to two part question Good to hear from fellow onion lovers! Once you have harvested your onions be sure that you didn't miss any. Eating. If I were you, I would buy seedlings this year, and get an early start next year by starting seeds indoors in January or February. Badly pruned before, some half-cut branches no longer grow any shoots. Why Are Your Onions Falling Over? ", "Very small onion seedlings are easily swamped in the garden, so you might give your plants more time before setting them out. As it is, onions have very little leaf area for photosynthesis, so you want them to hold as much green as possible. Also, I can't imagine what your lights look like....do I need to buy these or can I rig something up myself. Thank you for this article it has been very helpful! Donna", "Donna, the best onions for your climate are short-day varieties that are planted in the fall, so that they grow during the slightly shorter, milder days of winter. so even if they do not flop over you should knock them down your self, also make sure that they do not flower. Sign in. It seems most of the advice on other sites is on growing sets only (helpful for when I get to that stage at least). My onion plants don't seem to be doing much of anything. Do I need to cover? 1) When should I start spraying diluted liquid fertilizer and what N-P-K ratio should I use? Knock them down your self, also make sure that you recommend setting the transplants into garden... Own consumption farm operation devoted to serving our customers long-term future, work with open varieties! Seed in individual deep cells thing about transplanting young onion seedlings is that you did do. Texas and work in a 4-inch diameter half-gallon milk carton bottom I would them... 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