Squirrels commonly strip the bark off branches as well as chew off smaller branches and twigs. Fortunately, because trees … google_ad_width = 250; Squirrels hate tomatoes, so they tend to take only a couple of nibbles, leaving the rest behind. Make sure that it is at least 2 feet wide or tall … You can also use this recipe to keep squirrels and other pests from devouring your garden. Fortunately, because trees are living organisms, this problem is one of the easier of squirrel problems to fix. If there is a lot of competition for food, squirrels will strip tree bark to eat the inner tree bark. This bark removal can make trees vulnerable to parasites and microorganisms that enter through the exposed xylem. Carefully pour the mixture into a plastic spray bottle. Squirrel-proof your outdoor garbage cans by making sure they have tight-fitting lids and don’t let the garbage pile up. If you are not in the city and it is permitted … Squirrels have become accustomed to living around people so there is not much you can do to scare them off. Growing these types of plants in containers will keep squirrels out of flower pots. Signs of digging in your outdoor planters. You might also consider planting peppermint plants in your garden. Make sure your shed, greenhouse, water house, or other outdoor buildings are in good repair. It can take a really long time for your shrub to restore itself, in some cases, 2-plus years. Q: Squirrels are stripping the bark from the trunk and branches of my three maple trees. Here are some of the best ways to get rid of squirrels in your yard, as well as ways to get rid of chipmunks naturally. Squirrels hate the taste and smell of the bright, sunny flowers and will avoid the area where they reside. Japanese maples have thin bark, easy to strip off with front teeth. They eat almost anything they can get their little hands on including spruce buds and needles, mushrooms, willow leaves, poplar buds and catkins, flowers and berries, and animal material such as bird eggs and bark beetle larvae. To have squirrels eating bark sounds like famine conditions for those buggers. You can use hardware cloth, chicken wire, summer weight row covers, or plastic bird netting to protect your plants from squirrels. Just like all mammals, squirrels have… Continue reading, Posted in Keep Squirrels out of Your Tree, Product Reviews, Protect your Garden from Squirrels, Squirrels Digging Holes in Lawn, As with any squirrel deterrent strategy this idea has its pros and cons and the effectiveness of using a dog or cat to scare away squirrels depends upon… Continue reading, Posted in Keep Squirrels out of Your Tree, Protect your Garden from Squirrels, Squirrels Digging Holes in Lawn,