For most people, it’s their idea of the infinite being, the creator of all. By Betty Miller. In this article we review some of the bizarre theories. The Church of All Worlds is a neo-pagan religion founded in 1962 by Oberon Zell-Ravenheart and his wife Morning Glory Zell-Ravenheart. In practice, they're devoted to a worldview that mixes anarchistic politics, a general disdain for dogma, and an interest in the illusions that emerge when the mind tries to find order in a disorderly world. Illuminatus! Frustrated, Wayman shared pictures of the fake tip on Twitter, where they have been retweeted over 2,000 times. Jesus Christ is the most renowned person of human history? Gorightly, whose other books include a biography of Thornley, fills in the details on who the Discordians were and how their history progressed, but mostly he lets the documents speak for themselves. It’s business as usual for the Vatican, who still use the Indulgence System to manipulate people, such as this absurd attempt to get Pope Francis more Twitter followers …. Religion has caused a lot of unnecessary pain to mankind, despite whatever truth and good intentions their followers may hold. are all fake religions. You might talk to some of your own acquaintances, then build from there by word of mouth. Then we must come up with a symbol. Welch may have been a nut but he wasn't a fool, and he was probably pretty sure someone was pulling his leg by the time he saw that the note had been written by "Ho Chi Zen, Cong King of Gorilla Warfare." You may think that beliefs are harmless. Makia Freeman is the editor of The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the global conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance. Jun 8, 2019 - Explore Christina smith's board "Fake pastors and churches" on Pinterest. Gallery Walk 2. This is utter nonsense – and I mean that literally. All false religions are of the devil and the Bible destroys them all. The proceeds of the Butterbriefe went to build a bridge at Torgau. 2 4. Hypothetisism. I know Atari is struggling, but not sure if they're ready to endorse a fake religion based on the idea that life is a video game. Will they cover up for you? The problem is compulsive thinking and too much attention focused on the past and future, rather than an embracing of the now and the present moment – which is all you truly have anyway. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Islam has the concept of “dhimmitude” which is a set of rules to deal with non-Muslims (monotheists are more highly regarded than polytheists). 12. What gets you excommunicated? If you’re in the club, and your club is the true and correct one, then by definition, everyone else must be wrong – and sometimes evil too. The Illuminati are an 18th-century secret society whose alleged efforts to control the world were regularly decried by groups like, well, the John Birch Society. Non Sequitur II. Any suggestions?". There are 19 major religions in the world, most of which you've never heard of. Names for a fake religion? There is clear evidence that humans on this planet have unequal access to Christianity so, if Christianity were true, billions would be condemned to hell for no fault of their own. As Valerie Tarico writes: “Most Buddhists see hell as a metaphor, a journey into the evil inside the self, but the descriptions of torturing monsters and levels of hell can be quite explicit. Ultimately, humanity is entering a new era of consciousness where religion and priestly middlemen are no longer necessary. Jesus Christ is the most renowned person of human history? (There was some overlap between the Discordians and the Yippies, and there was some tension too: Wilson was close friends with Krassner, but he found Hoffman "nasty and mean."). God’s Word will prove wrong any religion. The reasons this person or these people have for creating a religion can be almost anything, maybe it's for power, maybe it's for the money or maybe just it's for the attention. We’re talking about religion, which is a concept very much alive all around the globe. The present moment holds the key to liberation.”. Very commonly¹ used is closet [religion], e.g., closet christian, closet muslim, closet pastafarian, … There are a plethora of examples of how people outside a certain religion are considered evil. They both look identical. Cults and False Doctrine: What the Bible Says about False Religions. Jesus is the ONLY son of God – you are not. It continued: All this is in keeping with our new policy of allowing alert and sophisticated persons such as yourself and your followers and associates a more comprehensive review of our activities. How can All That Is have any sides? Do Now: "The whole purpose of religion is to facilitate love and compassion, patience, tolerance, humility, and forgiveness." These partners generate new ideas and solutions that are applied to society's most ... Life after death is also not relegated to discussions of religion. Has Science Disproved Religion? Rome’s indulgence economy was as extensive as America’s income tax system today. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The real assumption in this question is clear: Surely the discoveries of modern science have proved that biblical religion is untenable. Makia Freeman,Philosophy,Recommended Reading,Wake Up, Alternative-News,Beliefs,Christianity,Dangerous,Evil,God,Islam,Judaism,Propaganda,religion,Sufism,Wake Up,War, Meditation, Yoga, Grounding & Mindfulness, British 3 year olds were told that non-Jews are “evil”,,,,,,,,,, Getting the Idea of Government and Political Authority Out of Your Mind, Sandy Hoodwinked: 33 Unanswered Questions on the 3rd Anniversary of Sandy Hook, The Who, How and Why of the JFK Assassination – and Why It Still Matters, Want to Understand US Action in the Middle East? Religion is now implausible to many, but the needs remain. Will they cheat for you? For with 96.5% of the entire world now under our collective thumb, we just no longer see any point in sneaking around behind the scenes all the time. I love to make fake mythologies in my stories that are inspired by actually based on real ones. A performance-based system of earning God’s love and approval is fake religion. In Paradise, there will be only one religion, the one that Jehovah approves. And their weird ideas are still influencing us today. Good food for thought. It takes on various forms: god is on my side (not yours); my god is better than your god; my god is the correct god (not yours); god will favor and reward me (not you), etc. In this article we review some of the bizarre theories. But it has exploded in the Internet age. Favorite Answer. This is twisted perversion by turning black into white, reminiscent of Satanism, as covered in the article Are Parts of Organized Religion Satanic? Like the one above, this becomes nonsensical. Secondly, how can a person dying 2000 years ago “pay” for our “sins”? God will favor and reward me => All That Is will favor and reward me. If religion is to survive going forward, it needs to drop all its dangerous religious beliefs, rigid doctrine, stale dogma, sense of superiority and outdated notions in a big hurry – before it becomes an antiquated irrelevance. These 10 dangerous religious beliefs just go to show that most organized religion has long been infected with madness and insanity. If you can’t tell truth from lies, you pave the way for corrupt people to seize power and manipulate you with deceptive propaganda. Both the Welch letter and the Hitler ad appear in Historia Discordia, an entertaining new omnibus of Discordian detritus edited by Adam Gorightly. So many people get stumped on this one, and all sorts of horrendous division, judgement, condemnation, war and bloodshed has occurred over it. In the Torah, slaves taken from among outsiders don’t merit the same protections as Hebrew slaves. There is a place in life for thoughtful planning and long-term thinking, however this is not the issue here. Some of these hoaxers, obviously, are closer in spirit to the Discordians than others. How can you possess All That Is? Is the Pope Being Positioned as the Head of a Planned One World Religion? Yet, there are fundamental false assumptions built into the question itself. Primary and Secondary lesson plans. Another way of saying this is that God = All That Is. They are especially intrigued by the mind's capacity to imagine vast conspiracies, which helps explain their fascination with the Illuminati. They concocted ads for the Illuminati too, including one that began, "How was Adolph Hitler able to take over a whole country, starting out with only five followers? Most of the beliefs and teachings are based on esoteric psychology, occult tarot, Hermetic Qabalah, Astrology, and meditation techniques. The New Digital Storytelling: Creating Narratives with New, Pranksters: Making Mischief in the Modern World, The United States of Paranoia: A Conspiracy Theory. "We have been meaning to write you for some time," the message began. Cheese. They can be, but they can also have serious ramifications. Of course, the tendency to deny the (real) now and live in the (imagined and not yet real) future is ego-driven dysfunction and insanity. ), you are well on your way to getting them to commit acts of unconsciousness. That being true, why are there so many false ideas circulating about him? Myths & Mannerisms. This name generator will give you 10 names fit for most gods and deities in many fantasy stories. More recently, documents have shown how British 3 year olds were told that non-Jews are “evil” in a Kindergarten worksheet handed out at ultra-Orthodox Jewish schools in north London. See more ideas about fake pastors, pastor, joel osteen. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources.Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. If you have the say over what God allows or not, why not make some money off it? A person who has renounced a religion or faith. If anyone preaches a different gospel let him be accursed. By making elaborate and grandiose promises of Heaven-like afterlives – whether they be full of angels, milk and honey, or hundreds of virgins – you can fool people into accepting horrendous conditions in their current lives. Has Science Disproved Religion? Symbolism is a big part of religion, and you can always create a ritual that references your focus, and reminds everyone that … Jun 8, 2019 - Explore Christina smith's board "Fake pastors and churches" on Pinterest. Lv 6. In 1491, for example, Innocent VII granted the 20-year Butterbriefe indulgence, by which Germans could pay 1/20th of a guilder for the annual privilege of eating dairy products even while meriting from fasting. I have do do a project for class. ; Fake news often has eye-catching headlines to lure audience, increase their readership and make money. How to join? My god is better than your god => My All That Is is better than your All That Is. (Sufism, by the way, is the Path of the Open Heart, and is inclusively open to anyone of any religion, and is not, as widely believed, a subset of Islam.) It isn't easy!)". The most obvious of these is the popular belief that the scientific method can actually prove things. What is Fake News :-Fake or fabricated news is a type of Yellow Journalism or propaganda that consists of misinformation spread via social media or news channel. Greater works than Jesus – I wonder how the Christian censors let that one through! What Holidays? Next comes tests of loyalty: will they lie for you? False religion teaches that the wicked will suffer in hellfire. The Bible states that Christians are the chosen ones. Join. Relevance. 4. If we literally insert the phrase “All That Is” into sentences that contain “God”, look at the results we get: God is on my side => All That Is is on my side. However, it is not very common¹ and arguably less likely to be understood. Operation Mindfuck began at about the same time that Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Paul Krassner, and the other radicals known as the Yippies were doing a somewhat similar set of stunts. Eckhart Tolle in The Power of Now sums it up best: “(The ego) constantly projects itself into the future to ensure its continued survival and to seek some kind of release or fulfillment there. The very word “religion” is derived from the Latin verb religare, meaning “to bind”. Starting a religion will require a significant amount of planning. Half the revenues from Leo’s indulgence went to a fund for the building of St. Peter’s Cathedral, and the other half to paying 40% interest rates on bank loans subsidizing the magnificent works of art and architecture with which His Holiness was establishing Rome as the cultural capital of the Renaissance.”, What a profitable racket! The most Mindfuckesque efforts are the ones that try to make a subversive point by disorienting people in a playful way. They did not invent the politically charged hoax, of course, nor were they the only anti-authoritarian pranksters of the '60s. The names have been based on the religions of the world, both modern and ancient. It is an idea based on separateness leads to judgment and exclusion, and can never be as true and powerful as one based on connectedness. Easy Argumentative Essay. Sep 26, 2017 - Explore Kathryn Serka's board "Real vs fake" on Pinterest. God is not an impersonal force, a universal field, the unity between all things, empty space, or the energy of nature. ~The Dalai Lama Do Now: Think about the religion you're creating. Kembrew McLeod's recent book Pranksters locates both the Discordians and the Yippies in a tradition that stretches at least as far back as the early 17th century, when the Rosicrucian pamphlets excited European intellectuals by claiming to describe an order secretly working to usher in a new age of enlightenment. Learn what the Bible has to say on the matter. What is God? 9 Answers. was not the summation of Operation Mindfuck so much as a gateway to it. by Enza Ferreri. What Holidays? How to join? This has long been a part of the genre-fiction world. The Top 10 Tricks Used by Corporate Junk Science. See more ideas about hypocrite christian, words, hypocrite. Philosophy means the rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct. One of the most effective ways to control people is to promise them a better future – especially if that future is an afterlife about which it is difficult to prove anything. He added, "I also hoped that some less gullible souls, overwhelmed by this embarrassment of riches, might see through the whole paranoia game. Let’s reduce it to the basics. The recent rise of ISIS shows that religion can still be used by some to justify heinous crimes such as large-scale theft (of oil and land), rape and murder. The best way to do this is by teaching followers the religion’s concepts from birth; and then reinforcing those ideas throughout the entirety of their life. The real assumption in this question is clear: Surely the discoveries of modern science have proved that biblical religion is untenable. Even within religious sects there can be a holy war, as can be seen with the constant in-fighting between Sunni and Shia Muslims. In 1515 Pope Leo X (whose father happened to be the great Florentine banker Lorenzo de’Medici, of the Venetian Black Nobility) issued a Bull of Indulgence, which authorized a whole array of indulgences: “(Leo) authoriz(ed) letters of safe conduct to Paradise and pardons for every evil imaginable, from a 25-cent purgatory release (the dead left purgatory the instant one’s coins hit the bottom of the indulgence-salesman’s bucket) to a license so potent that it would excuse someone who had raped the Virgin Mary. In fact, we don’t even have to grant that Christianity is true in order to know that these New Age concepts of God fail on the grounds of coherence. It’s neither correct nor incorrect; it’s all of it. What is one way that it is divisive and one way that it is unifying? You can never be as good as they were, because you’re just a dirty little sinner. ‘The Truman Show’ is filled with thought-provoking ideas, meanings, metaphors, Easter eggs, themes, ... God and Religion. It’s everything, so it belongs equally to everyone, if it is even able to be possessed. You may want to start a religion: This is a sign of fake religion. In McLeod's words, the BLO "purchased multiple Barbie and G.I. It underpins many of the following religious beliefs. It too is reproduced in Historia Discordia. Visit for more, follow Tools For Freedom on Facebook or sign up for ‘The Freedom Articles’ blog updates. Names have been based on separation, not connectedness which is a neo-pagan religion founded in 1962 by Oberon and! Lesson Presentation Free Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template, co-founder of bizarre. Celebrating the death that purchased our redemption. ” in 1970 and priestly middlemen are no necessary. Its counterfeit no weird story can truly produce terror, '' H.P fake religion ideas about remembering experiencing. Citations to reliable sources.Unsourced material may be challenged and removed of poor quality Protestantism, Islam, Judaism,,. 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