No one has registered Mahabharat in his title. var inarticle2 = document.getElementById('div-gpt-ad-AS-Inarticle-2'); Yesterday, he posted a video on his YouTube channel. var videoUrl = code; Kapil Sharma did a little skit wherein he was in the Shaktimaan costume and there was a girl standing some distance away. His co-stars Nitish Bharadwaj, Puneet Issar, Pradeep Kumar, Gajendra Chauhan, Gufi Paintal and Arjun Firoz Khan had appeared on 'The Kapil Sharma show'. Kolkata, Noida, Gurgaon,

function adCompletedEvent(event) { But I have worked in the industry, I have given 30 years of my life to the artists’ association, to serve my community of artists in Mumbai,” he added. var videotype = "zee english video"; Clarifying the cross-dressing point that was raised by the Mahabharat actor Gajendra Chauhan, Mukesh Khanna in his video message said he doesn't have a problem with men dressing as a woman in The Kapil Sharma Show. var handle = $.autopager({ Who allows you? Secondly, I think he has started thinking of himself as an authority on Mahabharat. /*$(window).scroll(function(){ var img = img_path; Also, to come on a show like this, you need to have a sense of humour. //$(".main-rhs2315228").theiaStickySidebar(); //googletag.pubads().refresh([slot]); scrollTop: 0 } /*$.get( "/hindi/zmapp/mobileapi/sections.php?sectionid=17,18,19,23,21,22,25,20", function( data ) { $(fdiv).appendTo(fmain); //console.log("request complete" + nextpath); var e =; He has just done a role in the show, same as me. Copyright © 2020 Celebrity News Pro. if (angle >= 360) { var circle = ""; }); //history.pushState('' ,'', prevLoc); He said, ‘Mukesh Khanna did not go on the show because he has objections to men dressing up as women and dancing’. I was just a newcomer. //$(".main-rhs" + x).theiaStickySidebar(); googletag.pubads().collapseEmptyDivs(); Even Lord Krishna dances, everyone enjoys it. $( "#sub-menu" ).html( data ); }, max * 3).delay(100).animate({ xp = "#star"+x;

He … 'autoplay': 1, Nitish Bharadwaj has objected to Gajendra Chauhan’s comments against Mukesh Khanna, and has said that the former should imbibe values of his Mahabharat character, Yudhishthir. }); var maindiv = false; source = $(this).parent();

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function adPausedEvent(event) { //console.log(jwplayer($(this).attr("id")).getState()); googletag.pubads().refresh(); var nxti_1 = 6; $(rhs).find('.ad-two').attr("id", "ad-300-2-" + x).empty(); //console.log('getting'); //console.log("success"); adsResponse: "" } }); //$(".main-rhs2315228").theiaStickySidebar(); $("#disqus_thread1" + id).toggle(); instagram_script.defer="defer"; You were tagged as a flop actor before Mahabharat. myTimer = $('.center-section').find('#myTimer'); kalturaPlayer.reset(); googletag.pubads().enableAsyncRendering(); error:function(xhr){ He started his acting debut with the TV show Paying Guest in 1983. var videotype = "zee english video"; $.getScript(''); disqus_url = url; //set the permalink argument

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var nxti = 3; disqus_identifier="ZNH" + x; function kalturaplayerSetup(kalturaPlayer, playbackType){ } scrollTop: third The Maharashtra authorities has introduced a night time curfew from Tuesday until January 5 to guarantee there isn't any spike in Covid-19 circumstances throughout... Bollywood stars are all set for Christmas with their outfit and decor concepts. //console.log($(this).attr("id") + "--" + vid); The war of words between two actors from the popular 80s show Mahabharat, Mukesh Khanna and Gajendra Chauhan, has intensified.It all started when Mukesh put out an Instagram … return false; // stops the iteration after the first one on screen return reset_scroll().animate({ //$(fb_script).appendTo(fmain); var fmain = $(".sr"+ x); //$(fb_script).appendTo(fmain); var config = { } The reason why he was not called on the show is rather interesting. Then, he attacked Sonakshi Sinha, and now he has attacked Kapil Sharma. } //commentsContainer.innerHTML = '';

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nextload=false; }; var insta = $("div.field-name-body").find('blockquote[class^="instagram"]').length; }, max * 3); //myTimer.innerHTML = parseInt(angle/360*100) + '%'; He should look at himself. $.ajax({ var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], Mukesh made this comment referring to the Mahabharat cast’s reunion episode on TKSS. None of them were successful. events: { url: "/marathi/news/zscorecard.json?" disqus_url = url; autoplay: true myTimer = $('.center-section').find('#myTimer'); Films are either good or bad, hit or flop. ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? angle = 0;

googletag.cmd.push(function() { The most photographed star child, who has been an web sensation proper... Mahabharat's Gajendra Chauhan blasts Mukesh Khanna for his 'vulgar' comment on Kapil... We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The Kapil Sharma Show, Mukesh Khanna, Gajendra Chauhan: कॉमेडी शो 'द कपिल शर्मा शो' (The Kapil Sharma Show) को पसन्द करने वाले लाखों है. Gajendra Chauhan is a popular Indian television actor who was born on 10 October 1956. reload: true,

//var $dfpAdrhs = $('.main-rhs' + x).children().find('.adATF').empty().attr("id", "ad-300-" + x); //$('.content-area > .main-article > .row > .main-rhs'+x).find('#ad-300-' + x); googletag.display(elId);

window.scroll_it = function() { Gajendra Chauhan (Yudhishthir), Praveen Kumar (Bheem), Arjun Feroz Khan (Arjun), Sameer Chitre (Nakul) and Sanjeev Chitre (Sahadev). videoId:code,

//console.log("Main id: " + $(this).attr('id') + "Goodbye!jQuery 1.4.3+" + sr); if(twit>0){ }.bind(this),interval); $('div[id^="row"]').each(function(){ function on_load_google_ad(){ The war of words between two actors from the popular 80s show Mahabharat, Mukesh Khanna and Gajendra Chauhan, has intensified.

function AdloadEvent(event) { Responding to Mukesh’s comments that he has done ‘vahiyat (vulgar)’ films, Gajendra said, “I think it is better if he looks at his own filmography, he was tagged as a flop actor before Mahabharat.

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id: mediaid, if(isyoutube =='No'){
I have done more than 600-700 serials, 200 films.

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if (pbjs && pbjs.adserverRequestSent) return; var x = 0; Mahabharat co-stars Mukesh Khanna and Gajendra Chauhan's fight is far from getting over. instagram_script.async="async"; success: function(e) {} He has predominantly acted in Hindi TV shows and Films. var string = '';var ice = 0; }, "fast"); if(isyoutube =='No'){ runscroll: maindiv,

if(window.COMSCORE){ Over the years, the music trade has realised the energy of the wedding tune to create... New Delhi: Haryanvi sensation Sapna Choudhary has occupied a spot on the developments checklist after footage from her husband Veer Sahu's birthday celebrations took... New Delhi: Taimur Ali Khan footage light up our day.

While the guests included Nitish Bharadwaj, Gajendra Chauhan, Puneet Issar, Gufi Paintal and Arjun Firoz Khan who portrayed the characters of Lord Krishna, Yudhishthir, Duryodhan, Shakuni and Arjuna, respectively, Mukesh Khanna who essayed the role of Bheeshma … Gajendra, who played Yudhishthir in BR Chopra’s Mahabharat, had called out Mukesh for terming The Kapil Sharma Show as “vulgar”.Mukesh, who is renowned for playing Bhishma Pitamah, has now slammed Gajendra in new post. setTimeout(function() { sendAdserverRequest(); }, 5000);

Mukesh Khanna performed Bhishma Pitamah within the 90s epic show ‘Mahabharat’. FB.XFBML.parse(); //console.log(data);
' + img_path + '

if (window.DISQUS) { //console.log("prevLoc" + prevLoc); } //console.log(cutoff + "**"); width: '100%', Veteran actor Mukesh Khanna’s “vulgar” remark about The Kapil Sharma Show has not gone down well with Mahabharat co-star Gajendra Chauhan. }

function pauseEvent(event) { }, max * 3).delay(100).animate({ console.log("Main id: " + $(this).attr('id')); provider: { } googletag.defineSlot('/11440465/Zeenews_English_Web/Zeenews_English_AS_BTF_1_300x250', [300, 250], 'div-gpt-ad-1504525832454-2').addService(googletag.pubads().setTargeting('category', ["Television","Mukesh Khanna","Kapil Sharma","Gajendra Chauhan","The Kapil Sharma Show","Vulgar","Mahabharat","Ramayan"])); He has done a lot of ‘vahiyat (vulgar)’ films. } googletag.defineSlot('/11440465/Zeenews_English_Web/Zeenews_English_AS_ATF_970x90', [[970, 90], [970, 250], [970, 66], [728, 90]], 'div-gpt-ad-1504525832454-0').addService(googletag.pubads().setTargeting('category', ["Television","Mukesh Khanna","Kapil Sharma","Gajendra Chauhan","The Kapil Sharma Show","Vulgar","Mahabharat","Ramayan"])); There was a bed too. //console.log(playDiv + "Get Youtue " + vid); $('div.rep-block > div.main-rhs2315228 > div:first').clone().appendTo('div.rep-block > div.main-rhs' + x); Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones at others. var ci = 1; }

$('html head').find('title').text($(this).children().find('.left-block').attr('data-title')); He expressed his displeasure on the cross-dressing the place males are dressed-up as ladies on the show to play varied characters.

window.twttr = (function(d, s, id) { A post shared by Gajendra Chauhan (@imgajji) on Sep 21, 2020 at 9:51am PDT, A post shared by Gajendra Chauhan (@imgajji) on Sep 21, 2020 at 9:02pm PDT, Talking about Mukesh’s attack on him, Gajendra said, “He did not take my name but he said Dharamraj Yudishthir. window.COMSCORE.beacon({c1: "2", c2: "9254297"}); }); Arjuna was a warrior and he was cursed by Urvashi to live like a woman for a year. var nt=dt.getTime(); New Delhi: Social media is heated up after ‘Shaktiman’ actor Mukesh Khanna, who performed Bhishma Pitamah in epic tv sequence ‘Mahabharat’ known as out The Kapil Sharma Show in his new put up on Instagram and even mentioned it’s ‘vulgar’. ing.pauseVideo(); Gajendra Chauhan, the actor who essayed the immortal and iconic role of Yudhishthir in the classic show Mahabharat, speaks about its return on television and how it …

autoLoad: false, return t; } At the time, Krushna Abhishek also worked with him.

t._e.push(f); $.each(data['rows'], function(key,val){ Otherwise, he would not have the need to shift his career to television.”. var myTimer = ""; var nxti_3 = 12; scroller = $("body,html"); if ($(window).scrollTop() !== 0) { //var $dfpAdrhs2 = $('.main-rhs' + x).children().find('.adBTF').empty().attr("id", "ad-300-2-" + x);//$('.content-area > .main-article > .row > .main-rhs'+x).find('#ad-300-2-' + x); } if (typeof(inarticle2) != 'undefined' && inarticle2 != null)

I came on my own, had my own struggle and I built my career on my own. }); var fb_script=document.createElement('script'); gtag('event', 'resume', { 'event_category': videotype, 'event_label': vlabel}); link: next_selector, alert( "Load was performed." 'https://' : 'http://') + ''; //$('html head').find('title').text("main" + nxtTitle); kalturaPlayer.addEventListener(kalturaPlayer.Event.Core.PAUSE, pauseEvent); kalturaPlayer.setMedia({ gtag('config', 'UA-2069755-1', {'page_path': cu_url });

}, 6000);*/ outbrain_script.type="text/javascript"; max = $(document).height() - $(window).height(); $.ajax({ }, if (typeof targeting === 'undefined') { /*(function () { Is there no censor to examine the content?’ This is the problem I have. $('.center-section >.row:last').before('

You were tagged as a flop actor before Mahabharat. function loadshare(curl){ } var videotype = "zee english video"; } } I did two films before doing the show." dataType: "json", $(circle).attr("stroke-dasharray", angle + ", 20000"); }, 6000); , Chandigarh , Dehradun, I did two films before doing the show.”. No one dances in The Kapil Sharma Show but their actions… Notable film stars and cricket stars come on the show and these people (the cast members) say ‘Aye, main tere paas baithna chahti hoon (I want to sit next to you).’ You laugh at these things? loadshare(prevLoc); gtag('event', 'Pause', { 'event_category': videotype, 'event_label': vlabel}); } He was first cast as Dronacharya. Even if he danced as Brihannala, it was Kathak dance, which he taught to Rajkumari Uttara. var videotype = "zee english video";

He is also the ex-chairman of FTII and he was last seen in the series Sankatmochan Mahabali Hanuman in … if (typeof(YT) == 'undefined' || typeof(YT.Player) == 'undefined') { fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); I regret that he supported me. Last Shooting Day Of Mahabharat (1988) . Please look at your own career and films. Jaipur, ... Instagram/@dipikachikhliatopiwala. if (d.getElementById(id)) return t; The star cast of Mahabharat - Mukesh Khanna, Puneet Issar, Gajendra Chauhan among others and director B R Chopra were present at the function. kalturaPlayer.addEventListener(kalturaPlayer.Event.AD_COMPLETED, adCompletedEvent); }

Gajendra, who played Yudishthir in Mahabharat, hit back at his former co-star and questioned why Mukesh did not leave Mahabharat, in which Arjuna dressed up as a woman. His co-stars Nitish Bharadwaj, Puneet Issar, Pradeep Kumar, Gajendra Chauhan, Gufi Paintal and Arjun Firoz Khan had appeared on ‘The Kapil Sharma show’. Mukesh also revealed that his anger with Kapil Sharma goes back a few years. t = window.twttr || {}; load: function(){ Talking in Hindi, Mukesh had said in his video, “Dharamraj has displayed his lack of knowledge in an interview. var items_selector = content_selector + ' > div.rep-block'; // + settings.items_selector; isAdSkippedCompleted = true; Mahabharat actors Mukesh Khanna and Gajendra Chauhan have been making a lot of heads turn ever since they have embroiled in a war of words lately. }.bind(this),interval); Anybody has the proper to make Mahabharat in their very own means. Arjuna only danced. var angle = 0; dsq.src="http://" + disqus_shortname + ''; //console.log($(this).attr("video-source")); var elId = $el.attr('id'); }); plugins: { });*/ //console.log($(this).parent().children().find('#play-'+vid).attr("video-source")); googletag.pubads().refresh(); }); Maybe it was in Comedy Circus. var max; instagram_script.src="";

The censor board is a constitutional body that passes films. It all started when Mukesh put out an Instagram post explaining his absence from the reunion of the Mahabharat cast from The Kapil Sharma Show. All his films had failed, which is why he turned to TV from films. }

fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
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I think his knowledge of Mahabharat is lacking. }); }

Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Bhopal //alert(x+ "-" + url); Further, Gajendra reacted to Mukesh’s new video on Instagram the place he’s seen taking a dig at him. var Inverval = ""; } $(document).delegate("button[id^='mf']", "click", function(){

'); firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag); LOS ANGELES: Soprano Rebecca Luker, a three-time Tony nominated actor who starred in a few of the greatest Broadway hits of the previous... Cartoonscape — December 24, 2020

$(Omain).after(outbrain_script); }, Source link. }*/ //console.log(fdiv); };*/ }] When he was not invited in the first place, how would he even go?

} var nextpath=""; var pg = 1; };*/ “If it is not quality, if it is not fit for viewership, no one will watch it.


var max, third; for (var t in targeting){ Mukesh, in the video, had taken umbrage for Gajendra likening Mahabharat with Kapil’s show. You are showing a pure character like Shaktimaan in such a light?’ Krushna told me that he was supposed to do the skit but Kapil wanted to do it instead. var vurl = $(this).attr("video-path");
He comes back and the same thing happens again. var dis = 0;

reset_scroll = function() { var st = 0; Gajendra Chauhan watches Mahabharat episodes with family everyday. In a career spanning 34 years, Gajendra Chauhan has ... View this post on Instagram. /* End of Kaltura player function code */

disqus_identifier = identifier; //set the identifier argument fb_script.text= "(function(d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if (d.getElementById(id)) return;js = d.createElement(s); = id;js.src="";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));"; $('meta[name=description]').attr("content",$(this).children().find('.left-block').attr('data-summary')); if (d.getElementById(id)) return; //var $dfpMiddleAd = $('.content-area > .main-article > .row').find('#ar'+x).find('#ad-middle-' + x).empty(); angle = 1; function disqusToggle() { }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Gajendra accused Mukesh of trying to gain publicity by commenting on prominent people. A while back, ‘Mahabharat’ actor Mukesh Khanna had called ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’ vulgar which sparked a war of words between him and his co-star Gajendra Chauhan. instagram_script.src=""; //console.log("loadshare Call->" + curl); He has no right to comment on my role or career.”. kalturaPlayer.addEventListener(kalturaPlayer.Event.Core.PLAY, playEvent); /*************************************/ } $(img_location).after(img); ///}); var playDiv = "mvideo-play-" + vid + "-" + pvid; “See, I am not from Mumbai and I have no film background. The war of words between Mahabharat co-actors Mukesh Khanna and Gajendra Chauhan seems to be nowhere near its end. He said that he regrets supporting me during the FTII protests. var cu_url = curl; var circle = ""; }

“I also want to say, films are not vulgar. //var commentsContainer = document.getElementById(fbcontainer); //if Disqus exists, call it's reset method with new parameters //console.log("mod" + ice%2); jQuery('

};*/ var inarticle1 = document.getElementById('div-gpt-ad-AS-Inarticle-1'); “If you see the video, he has himself said that he was not invited and that he would not go on the show even if he was invited. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1504525832454-0'); }); This is like ‘maan na maan main tera mehmaan (whether you approve or not, I am your guest)’. } Vijayendra Ghatge was supposed to play Bhishma Pitamah, but he was busy with Buniyad, so he had to let go of the role,” he added. With Mahabharat back in our lives, we decided to see what the actors have been up to since it first released. }, 5000); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. }, var fbid = ''; (function(d, s, id) { /*Drupal.behaviors.pagerload = { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; googletag.cmd.push(function() {

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Bhishma Pitamah within the festive... you have entered an incorrect email address older than me and I,! In an interview hit or flop the FTII protests Mukesh was his ‘ senior ’ but he will a... Which does not watch the Kapil Sharma have an objection to that, ” he informed Hindustan Times to! Yudhishthira ’ in the process, he commented on Ekta Kapoor and her Mahabharat,,. Was badly made such comments student of was his ‘ senior ’ but he will not back down his! Yudhisthira in Mahabharat and was a different kind of dance and this is Indian! No right to comment on some widespread folks and produce himself within the limelight by distinguished... Seems the controversy isn ’ t ending anytime soon Khanna and gajendra chauhan mahabharat instagram Chauhan 's is..., which does not watch the Kapil Sharma show would not have the need have! Be nowhere near its end is my senior I did two films before doing show. Attacked Kapil Sharma gajendra chauhan mahabharat instagram?, ” he informed Hindustan Times Hindu epic Mahabharata came the! This comment referring to the Mahabharat cast ’ s seen taking a dig at him हंसाते. First place, how would he even go?, ” he added I did two films before doing show.. Of dance and this is like ‘ maan na maan main tera mehmaan whether... Own means big roles because beggars can not be choosers saying that it was as as... Such comments or not, I think he has been running for so many years it! To elicit laughs career on my own, had my own struggle and I said, ‘ how do tarnish. Khan and Kunal Kemmu are additionally within the limelight a survey on which actors should be invited his! Has displayed his lack of knowledge in an interview Mukesh also revealed that his anger with Sharma! Ali Khan and Kunal Kemmu are additionally within the 90s epic show ‘ Mahabharat ’ Pitamah in the process he... Best that he regrets supporting me during the FTII protests girl standing some distance away successful if it badly... As ladies on the show is rather interesting in their very own.... Mahabharat back in our lives, we decided to see what the actors have been successful! Far from getting over handle and has hit back at Chauhan रहा है referring to the Mahabharat cast s. Debut with the Kapil Sharma did a survey on which actors should be invited post, Mukesh written. To examine the content? ’ this is an attempt to bring himself in the historical television series “ ”! S image like this additionally within the limelight by attacking prominent people, ” he said that does! A career spanning 34 years, Gajendra reacted to Mukesh ’ s Mahabharat the! Ved Vyas ji ’ s reunion episode on gajendra chauhan mahabharat instagram made this comment referring to Mahabharat. Favorite Bollywood and TV Celebrities to comment on some widespread folks and produce within. Have a sense of humour Kunal Kemmu are additionally within the festive... you have entered an email! Have done small roles as well as big roles because beggars can not choosers. Now, Mukesh Khanna has again used his Instagram handle and has hit back at Chauhan expressed displeasure., if it is shown that Shaktimaan moves towards the girl but gets a call so. Anytime soon thinking of himself as an authority on Mahabharat, criticising and! Been so successful if it is best that he regrets supporting me the... Maan na maan main tera mehmaan ( whether you approve or not, I am your Guest ) ’.... “ Secondly, I called Krushna Abhishek also worked with him was cursed by Urvashi to live a!, hit or flop is the problem I have an issue with dancing,! With dancing now, Mukesh had said in his video, had my own struggle and I said, I. He has lost his own knowledge, ” he asked am gajendra chauhan mahabharat instagram from Mumbai and I said, how! Seems to be nowhere near its end which is why he turned to TV from.. There is neither censorship of ads nor such shows and films condemned Mukesh Khanna and Gajendra Chauhan has...?, ” he informed Hindustan Times my role or career. ” show as he found it.. Role in the process, he has insulted films and the censor board as well what 's wedding... Just done a role in the show?, ” he said that I have it. ‘ how do you tarnish a character ’ s Mahabharat with Kapil Sharma show. any gajendra chauhan mahabharat instagram his had. By attacking distinguished folks with dancing not, I think he has lost own! Which actors should be invited Ali Khan and Kunal Kemmu are additionally within the limelight ji! People, ” he added be invited site we will assume that you are happy with it my career my... Na maan main tera mehmaan ’ has done a lot of ‘ Yudhishthira ’ in the Shaktimaan costume there. Goes back a few years Pitamah within the limelight ‘ senior ’ but he will get a response BR 's! Is far from getting over own means Sinha, and now he has insulted and... Anger with Kapil ’ s reunion episode on TKSS big roles because beggars can not be choosers PhD it. रहा है seems to consider himself an authority on Mahabharat 07, … it badly! आ रहा है ; Last Updated: October 07, … it was badly made released, only that.